How Bharata will become a Hindu Rastra again?

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
3 min readSep 27, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Sandeep Sahgal Ji

Don’t be just spectators. Take the responsibility and make a resolve that “I have to make ‘Bharata’ a Hindu Rashtra. Everybody remains as a spectator! “Will the meal be cooked in my home, with the same attitude?” Imagine, if every family member becomes a spectator and keeps asking this question, then the food will never be cooked. If you intend to cook food then start working on that. Only people like you and me-only will bring ‘Hindu Rashtra’.

Today, there is not even a ‘Charvaka Rashtra’ or no there is not even like atheists. Charvakas (followers of Charvaka’s philosophy) told atheists: “Rinam Kritva Ghritam Peevait” Not by loot, not by theft, but by borrowing. Repay the borrowings as per the system. The term “Ghritam Peevait”, here it doesn’t mean drinking colas or alcohol with the borrowing but drinking Cow Ghee (Clarified butter) with borrowed money.

But today in Bharat you can loot and drink alcohol with that loot, not Ghee. The Atheist’s system was clean as compared to today, even that is not available in Bharat. Hindu Rashtra, Vedic Rashtra, Sanatana Rashtra are way too far. But who will bring it? It’s people like you and me who will bring it!

If you do have anguish and emotion, then congregate and work together to make it happen. If 100–200 people like us are united with the same objective, the path to the formation of ‘Hindu Rashtra’ will get solidified. No need to contact with astrologers to know if it will or won’t happen. Don’t be a spectator! The idea of Bharata as “Hindu Rashtra” which is in your heart, let’s start working on that to make it happen. Do get in contact with Puri Shankaracharya and Govardhan Math. Why can’t it be achieved?

70 years ago, what kind of country did we have even under the colonization of the British? What anomaly happened in these 70 years? We can eradicate this directionless movement of 70 years, we can remove it. The kind of strength we have, nobody can match that. Philosophy, Science, and Conduct — on all these 3 footings, our principles are relevant.

Now no person, not even a great scientist, can say: “I am born as Arya, Sanatani, Vedic and Hindu. They consider Bhagwat Geeta as proof, do believe in Geeta, but they don’t subscribe to the theory of creation explained in Geeta. Our Shastras have the ability to guide in science as well. No thinker can say this about Bhagwad Geeta, which has seven hundred verses. In Nasadiya Suktam, the description of creation and its nature is explained in those seven Mantras. No scientist can refute that. In fact, scientists get benefit out of them secretly or otherwise.

You don’t know about this but the scholar of Sanskrit who doesn’t get felicitated in India and doesn’t get resources, NASA utilizes their services and does inventions. So, inventions are done by our scholars but NASA takes the credit. This means the whole world knows our contributions in Arthashashtra, Dharmashastra, Kamshastra, Mokshashastra, Nitishastra, and Vastu Shastra. Zero and Science of One were brought by Sanatana Vedic Hindus Aryas. This is the kind of strength available to us! No principle or system in this world can withstand our principles.

So, where is the limitation? We don’t have the rule as per our principles, so who will bring it? We have to do this. Stop being a spectator for ‘Hindu Rashtra’ but try to make effort for this.

Narayana !!!

