How to develop the art of making the right decisions at the right time?

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Sandeep Sehgal Ji

How to develop the art of making the right decisions at the right time?

Acharya answered from Chhandogya Upanishad. There are senses and there is mind. We know about both of them and their functions. But the question is: how well we do know about our mind. All living beings in this world have it with different structures and capabilities. We can listen through the ears. Even a deaf person has this organ (the outer part of ears) but he is not able to hear. It applies to other organs and types of species. My point is to tell one important thing. The ability to sense the subjects is not possible only through eternal organs.

There is some ability present in this medium, due to which we can hear is called an ear. That ear stands for this visible organ but it can’t hear. Even a dead person has this organ (the outer visible organs). If one dies with his eyes-ears open, those are called eyes-ears only by name, not by those functions. He can see-hear while alive only. So, the organ of the eye is there but there is no eye for a dead.

The movement of senses is available to present only. It is not useful in the past or future. The ability of senses is restricted to the present only and if Manas (mind and intellect) is free from the strangles of senses, then we get free from this limitation. Then, the ability of Manas can reach in past, present as well as future. So, it is declared in Chhandogya Shruti “The mind of Jeeva is the divine eye, the movement of senses is in present only but the movement of mind is all three forms of time.

Through Satvik diet (prescribed food habits), recreation, behavior, and Satsang (prescribed meetings and discourses), one gets the ability in life which enables a person to see in all three periods.”

What is the specialty of Vedas? Whatever is within the boundaries of time which is even beyond time all that is explained in Vedas. Through bhajans, Satsang, sattvic diet, and sattvic recreation; a person can become capable. It is a state when one has a spontaneous solution available for any problem soon as it arises. It is a state where wit and intellectual power becomes so divine.

JagadGuru Shankaracharya told a key for this: memories of this verse from ‘Ramchartimanas’.

Jankasutaa Jag Janani Jaanaki, Atishay Priya Karunaanidhaan Ki. Taake Jug Pad Kamal Manaaun, Jaasu Kripa Nirmal Mati Paaaun”

This has an opportunity as the Gayatri Mantra. Everybody can recite this. You should recite this Chaupai from ‘Baal Kaanda’ at least 32 times every day. With the right prescription and guidance, this will work as a protector and a guide. Modernization and globalization are very new to this old earth and the existing principles. Our current education didn’t teach us anything about it. Bharata is a very old country and it was rich in every aspect from the beginning due to this science and philosophy. It is requested to know the thing first, then practice second. With outliving the prescriptions from Vedas we are living like the dead as per the previous example. Our senses and organs are gross. It will not help us to know beyond the capacity of organs. They will stay with limitations and can not achieve the maximum capacity one can achieve through those.

As a hint, I can request you to think, who is making decisions for you? These organs, your mind, your intellect, your body, memory, impressions, or memories? How this critical mechanism is going on every time? That is the science to know. That is the skill of Hindu tradition.

Narayana !!!

