How to understand “Jati” in Hinduism?

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Sandeep Sehgal Ji

Should humans be classified on the basis of Janma (birth) or Karma (actions) in society? There are different views that are available in India now. People are having vague concepts of understanding this properly. There are confusion and social struggles. So we need to understand this important aspect of Dharma.

Are head, hands, feet, anus, etc classified on the basis of Karma or on the basis of birth? From what time this head is called ‘head’ by the people? Since birth or through Karma, the answer is simple. Since when is the hand called hand? You got the hand from the womb of your mother, or did someone make your hands out of wood? I hope you can get the basics of creation in eyes of Dharma.

Since when the foot is called ‘foot’, it is from your birth only. If one is suffering from a foot ailment, then the foot is called foot from birth only. Its Karma too is decided from birth only. What purpose does the foot serve? For walking! But, a toddler doesn’t walk. Gradually his feet acquire the ability so that they are able to walk. Now, hands are since birth or through Karma? It is from your birth only. But, the Karma which is to be done through this is fulfilled through this particular organ only. So, birth is always there before the Karma starts. One learns walking through feet later, but feet are present since birth only. One learns eating through hands later, but hands are present since birth. Isn’t this correct? Hands pre-exist due to birth and later Karma is produced through that.

The calf of a cow starts jumping around from the time of birth itself but the children of humans, they have feet, have acted as well but they are not able to jump from birth. Children of humans have feet since their birth but they are taught to walk with their feet gradually. So, birth is primary or Karma?

Birth is primary only. In the human body, there is a difference in departments. In between the departments ‘head’ is the education department, hands defense department, and anus sanitation department. All these different departments have their own utility. These departments are from birth only or through Karma, these are from birth but karma also exists.

As per the birth, a specified Karma is given to each organ. “Brahmana-Brahmana” person is called Brahmana as per the scriptures. Where adjective is also Brahmana, and substantive is also Brahmana. It means a person born in the Brahmana family and following the Vedic prescribed Brahmana Karma comes in the “Brahmana-Brahmana” segment. He is the idol among all Brahmanas as per Shiva Purana. Who is the number two Brahmana — “Kshatriya-Brahmana”, the substantive will remain qualified as Brahmana, the adjective has changed to Kshatriya. Who is the number three Brahmana — “Vaishya-Brahmana”. Once born in the Brahmana clan, one has to be considered as Brahmana but he earns livelihood like Vaishyas. Now “Shudra-Brahmana” like Vritta Asura. Read the sixth canto of Srimad Bhagavatam. Vrittasura was a demon and condemned, but still, Indra had the sin for the killing off that Shudra-Brahmana Vrittasura, who got born in the lineage of Brahmana. Didn’t Devraj Indra get the sin of killing a Brahmana!

Devraj Indra (King of Devatas) suffered very much after doing this necessary action to protect the world from Vrittasura. What does this mean? Even If a cow is weak and near to die and somebody kills her, he gets the sin of killing a cow. If you don’t deem these points, then try to contemplate. But this is simple.

There are four types of Brahmana described before here. These four classifications and combination is also applicable for the other three Jatis also. For example, if a person born in the great clan of Shudra and working defense then he is called a Shudra-Kshatriya. This combination varies as per the birth and work. It is applicable to all four Jatis in Vedic philosophy.

I have told hands are from birth, it is not getting the name after its utility or functions. Later, the child is trained gradually and the child is able to perform accordingly. The calf starts jumping around a little while after birth, but even in that case, feet are considered since birth only. Eyes are since birth not from Karma? Newly born cats have eyes since birth with their eyes closed. Later their eyes get opened after some days. So, eyes are from birth only or not? The nose is from birth or from Karma? It is from birth and Karma gets attached to it later. There are several factors that regulate these attachments of Karma with the Janma.

Narayana !!!

