How to understand Mathematics from the eyes of Veda?

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
3 min readOct 10, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Deepankar Kamboj Ji

The mathematics we know, half of them do not make out their use. Children ask us “why we are reading this?” We don’t have an answer to give to them. They are just mugging up. There are so many under-qualified people. They say that even if we have learned mathematics, engineering, have never used them in our lives. We are not using mathematics beyond addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Still, we keep on doing it. Intellectually one does not know anything about the objective, still repeats it for the sake of examination. What is the benefit of this?

The whole universe is a product of Mathematics and the whole universe can be known by Mathematics. Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha (four objectives to achieve for Hindus) all can be justified by Ganita (Mathematics). This is what Puri Shankaracharya Ji is writing nowadays. The knowledge of mathematics cannot be implemented at the behavioral level, that can be modified, If the teacher has a sharp intellect. Place, time, and matter are calculated by Ganita. No machine can be made without Ganita. Ganita is used in Astrology, Geometry, the creation of the universe happens through Ganita. Ganita is used in all behavior.

What is hunger? Does it have a form or it is formless? Ask this to children. Can you see hunger or not? It is formless. Everything is having some attributes. Food is with form and attribute. Mathematics is working here. If one knows the capacity of the stomach, density can be calculated. The amount of density, weight-related to food can be predicted to satisfy hunger.

Is it not Mathematics? What about thirst? It is without form and attributes. Water is having the form and attribute to satisfy the requirement. How can you live without mathematics? This much thirst can be quenched by drinking this much water; this is not different than Mathematics.

Can a driver drive a vehicle without mathematics? A driver makes the car cross by measuring the speed of the approaching vehicle and the speed of his own car. If any of the drivers miss that calculation, an accident happens.

Now we can come in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Take any mathematical problem. Where all these are not applicable? Plus and minus, are the root of all addition, subtraction multiplication, and division in mathematics. The advanced form of addition and subtraction are multiplication and division. What are addition and subtraction? In the behavioral world, it is connection and departure.

Puri Shankaracharya Peeth is popular for Vedic Mathematics. It is also called Govardhan Math. Vedic Mathematics presently known as modern mathematics is completely based on Algebra. It is rediscovered by the greatest mathematician and the Shankaracharya Jagadguru Bharatikrishna Tirthaji Maharaj of Govardhan Math Puri; Odisha. He was the 143rd Shankaracharya of Govardhan Math. In 1957, in his old age and ill-health with weak eyesight (cataract) he wrote the presently available book of Vedic mathematics. In 1958 the typescript of Vedic mathematics was left in US. for publication. Bharati Krishna Tirtha Ji attained Mahasamadhi on 2nd February 1960 and after five years after this, his book Vedic mathematics was published. Currently, there are many organizations that are working on research and teachings to implement this method of quick mathematics. Very few know about the source as Veda and it is Govardhan Math only, who is still producing advance verticals in Vedic Mathematics under the guidance of the current Shankaracharya Mahabhag Swami Shri Nischalananda Saraswati Ji.

Narayana !!!

