Non-Brahmanas as Priests in Hindu Temples

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Manoj Talwar Ji

Verdict on the Right of Non-Brahmanas to Officiate as Priests in Temples.

In one of its recent judgments, the Supreme Court of India allowed non-Brahmanas (those who are not a Brahmana by birth) to perform worship/ rituals in temples. I am writing on Honourable ShankaracharyaJji’s view on this judgment, through his lights of Shastras and Hindu Dharma.

There was once a case that came before Supreme Court which was about the “Ujjain Mahakaal” temple. The judgment pronounced by Justice Mishra, for that the case was brilliant. In his judgment, it was clarified that matters on what substances should and should not be used in the worship of “Shivalinga”, how much should be the quantity of those substances, etc. are entirely “Dharmic” matters. It’s not the court’s business to interfere in such matters.

Therefore, the committee of “Mahakaal Ujjain”, should not engage in miscommunication in the name of the court. Three essentials of a worship ceremony: 1. The procedure of worship. 2. Substances used for worship. 3. The quantity of each substance. There is a rule that governs the worship ceremony. There should not be a scarcity of any substance that is required for worship; neither should any substance be present in abundance. It is not more than what is required. It should not less or more. Scarcity is a defect and abundance too is a defect.

That’s why it is mentioned to you about this recent judgment of the Supreme Court itself. Electricity manifests itself via mechanical means. So, who should decide how electricity is to be consumed? Should it be decided by the experts on electricity or should it be decided by those who know nothing about electricity? The right usage of electricity happens when the end-user can take benefit and stay away from potential harm. What is the intention behind the method and prohibition? It is all about the Do-S and Do-notS. No matter whether they are worldly or Vedic, are never out of love/hate or ignorance. Then what is the ultimate aim of prescribing method and prohibition? The ultimate aim is simple: the user gets benefited by following the Do-s on one hand and is saved from any harm by avoiding the Do-nots. Bad-conductors, good-conductors are associated with electricity and we have Do-s and Do-nots about electricity. It applies to all modern types of equipment and gadgets also. It is the fundamental rules called user manual.

What is the aim? Just that the electricity consumer is benefited by following the Do-s and is saved from any harm by avoiding the Do-nots. Similarly, modern science is incapable of manifesting the Supreme element Bhagwan until now. Ishwara is pervaded in water, land, and sky because ‘Bhagwan’ is not a subject of modern science or laboratory. That Vedic Science, the method can manifest that all-pervading Sachidanand Paramatma Bhagwan via a certain practice/procedure/process/method e.g. “Tantrik” practice or “Mantrik” practice. The experts of this Vedic Science -Seers have prescribed certain Do-s and Do-nots for the worship and manifestation of the supreme power based on Vedic knowledge.

Any interference by those who do not know a subject, pass judgment on that subject, is laughable whether done by us or them. I respect the honorable Supreme Court but being the main judge on Spiritual matters, It would like to make a symbolic statement that “Dharmic”/spiritual matters have “Darshana” (philosophy) and Science associated with them. There is a strange phenomenon being observed in the world today. Everyone wants the result according to Vedic scriptures, but they want a method that is worldly/secular. Is this ever going to work? Do you realize? It applies to the “Gayatri Mantra” or worship of Bhagwan or any such a Dharmic matter.

Consider the symbolic statement associated with “Murti Pooja” (the worship of an appearance ? deity). How do we prove that the “Murti” is a living deity? It cannot be known by eyes. We know this from the “Shastras”. The procedure of revealing the deity inside a “Murti” comes to us from the “Shastras”. The Deity should continue to reside in the “Murti”. The deity should not abandon the Murti and no demon, ghost or evil power should ever enter the “Murti”. Where do we access the science of these things? The science of all this comes to us from the “Shastras”. Therefore, as this subject of Murti has been defined by “Sanatana Dharma”, that is why its worship procedure should be laid down by “Sanatana Dharma” itself and not by any supreme court.

Those who believe that “Dharmic” matters should be decided by the Supreme Court, Lets them to be entitled and to hold on their belief. Let the government subscribe to this belief. But tell me one thing, the people to do the worship, do they worship to get benefited by the worship or to get harmed? It is written in the “Shastras” that such a place gets cursed where the worship ceremony of the Vedic Deity is not carried out as per the methods and procedures prescribed in the “Shastras”. If we do against this, unwanted elements enter the idol. This is the judgment of Dharma.

When “Bhagwan Jagannath” enters in his Ratha (Chariot) at Puri Dham, who all are entitled to see “Bhagwan Jagannath” by entering the Chariot and who is not? It was an unresolved problem whose resolution was pending for 108 years. Their committee asked JagadGuru Shankaracharya to resolve this problem. He gave his judgment in approximately 40 pages. One gentleman filed a case against him in Cuttack high court. The Chief Justice of Cuttack high court and along with him another judge passed judgment as Shankaracharya is the Chief Justice of the “Dharmic” matters. The judgment of Honorable Shankaracharya cannot be overruled by any court. Neither can its enforcement be stopped by any government. That’s why Cuttack high court directed the Odisha government to ensure that Shankaracharya Ji’s decision is implemented as said.

The same Chief Justice, Adarsh Goyal has now moved from Orissa high court to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court passed the judgment under what circumstances is not a matter of concern. A judge passes a judgment after listening to the arguments of the lawyers of all parties. Leave it to the judge to decide considering irrefutable evidence in incoming cases. I speak on “Dharmic” matters alone. Once a “Dharmic” matter came to Kolkata High Court. They sent a letter to Shankaracharya that as that was a “Dharmic” matter, they were told to go by JagadGuru’s decision. Whatever Acharya had to decide, that would be the decision of the high court.

If you can leave “Dharmic” matters to the experts of the “Dharma” field, you will do a big favor to yourself. Being rebellious against it does not help here. Traditions are of two types: 1. Genuine tradition laid down by Shastras. 2. Blind beliefs in the name of tradition. Superstitions can be rectified, but disrespecting the genuine tradition prescribed by the Shastras won’t help you at all.

Narayana !!`

