Philosophical Cause of Earthquakes

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
5 min readOct 1, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

What is the impact of the planetary system on the earth that causes the earthquake?

According to Lord Krushna in Bhagwat Geeta 15th chapter: When the earth cannot balance itself then the earthquake occurs. In Mahabharata and Matsya Purana mountains and the river, Ganga is named as Bhudhara. The divine streams and mountains only maintain the balance of the earth. Along with this when mankind leads a virtuous, restraint, simple and prosperous life that leads to the calmness in the earth; there won’t be any tremors and shakes.

When mankind moves towards the destructive nature of the individual creation, then the river gets polluted and the mountains are destroyed. This will result in an earthquake. When the pillars which support the building, bridge, and dam are not strong enough, then building, bridge and dams are not safe. Same way when the mountain breaks or rivers get polluted, the earthquake occurs. Along with this earth, water, fire, air, the sky the five natural elements are there always.

The sky remains static. That is why in spite of the agile nature of water, fire, wind, they maintain their existence and usefulness. Compared to water, fire, and wind, the earth is static. The earth also maintains the balance between water, fire, and wind. When there is a disturbance in the water, it influences the fire and wind also. The supporters of the earth -mountain and forest get disturbed and the earthquake occurs. Now we have seen the reason for the earthquake.

According to ancient people, the astrologist, the moon, and the sun both are planets. Some planets will be Earth dominant like Mars. It is made from the earth only, part of the water is the moon, a part of the fire is in sun, the speed of Saturn is very slow, and in this also we have a part of the earth. The stars are made up of the impact of the wind, earth, and fire. So we need to look into the planetary structure also. Therefore we need to have the knowledge of the four energy sources earth, water, fire, and air.

When there is deformation is a disturbance in earth, water, air then the earthquake occurs. The moon is made of four things; coolness from water, the shadow from the earth, and light from Fire. From the air, the energy or the life force comes into play. In moon water, fire, the earth is prominent. Air is in fourth place, and then only the moon is formed. Which is the place of origin for the moon? We call the moon as Chanda mama here in India. We say Laxmi Ji as our mother and her brother Moon as Mama. Because Laxmi Ji comes from the ocean, Moon is also from the same place- Milk Ocean. Both have the same origin, Water.

Who holds the water? The earth element is the answer. So the moon influences the earth. When the moon brings tremor on the earth? So you want to know which part of the earth and when it will occur? Our body is made up of this earth. When do we get vibrations in our bodies? When does the body get influenced by air and mind? Moon is the controller Devata of mind and when there is a disturbance in the mind, won’t there be a disturbance in the body? The vibration in the air also influences the body. Jathraagni is also there in our bodies. It is a fire responsible to digest the food in our system. These three influences the body.

Bhagavan says “Aham vishvanarobhutva praninaam dehmashritah” we get food from the moon. When we are influenced by mind and wind then we get a vibration in our body. Here we should remember that the mind is the symbol of the moon. If in all the four areas there is disturbance then the earthquake occurs on the earth. In any area or time this disturbance is created, there the earthquake occurs. In India which place and time the earthquake will occur? It is the astrologers' subject for research considering these subtle techniques.

As per Mahabharata the origin place of the earth is water. This is a philosophical and scientific principle. According to the days, the influence of the moon and sun will be on the ocean. Like Poornima, Amavasya, Ashtami, and Chaturdashi (Specific days in a month as solar Hindu astrological calculation). The moon influences the water and the water influences the Earth. Because the place of origin and cause is also water. Till now the researchers have found in days like Amavasya, Poornima, Surya Grahan, Chandra Grahan the ocean is influenced by the tidal waves, the earthquake occurs.

This way the moon is connected with these particular days. The time is derived by the moon and sun. In Mahabharata, the time can be derived from the fire also. All these are the Tejas or the fire materials which are luminous and influential. They all are useful in calculating time. When the Ocean is influenced by Sun and the moon, an earthquake happens. That is why the Tithis (Days as Hindu calender) are associated with it. Also, the sun and moon affect the water. So, from the point of view of the earthquake, there is a commonness between Philosophy, Science, and behavioral aspect. Now when and where the earthquake is going to happen is the subject for research.

For many reasons ocean, mountains and forest are called Bhudhara (upholder of the earth) in our scriptures. Whenever there is an imbalance in the mountain this happens. In Uttarakhand, the mountains were destroyed. Hence the balance of the earth was disturbed. Somewhere due to deforestation or water contamination, the places become prone to earthquakes. Like Japan which is more affected by earthquakes. So Mountains, water bodies, and forests are the main causes of earthquakes. Time is also a factor. The calculation of time is done according to Sun and the Moon. Tithi, being the part of the time, affects the earth.

In modern days we are developing infrastructures and building machines. We don’t consider this subtle balance of the earth. We destroy mountains and build a big city in a jungle land cutting those forests. We dare to turn and block the flow of the river. We blast the mines. These are the main causes of an earth balance disorder. Here some basic points are hinted. People can contemplate or take guidance from Scriptures or Acharyas to get a detailed idea, philosophy, and, science.

Narayana !!!

