The solution to Terror, Terrorism, Terrorists

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

What can be the Individual level contribution against Terrorism? This is a question. It is a serious question. People around the globe are suffering from this crisis. Many Governments are working with different strategies to solve them. Here I am writing the views of Puri Shankaracharya Mahabhag. We can contemplate and act on this. This is the objective.

He who thinks about the interest of all and he who devotes his life in the interest of others can be called fit to fight & defeat terrorism. He, who can think of the ultimate well-being of the Terrorists, will be victorious over terror & terrorism. Terror is a disease. When lust, anger, and greed increase beyond control, it leads a person to become a terrorist. What is the actual principle of terrorism?

“Atmanah Pratikulani Paresam Na Samacharet”, This is quoted from The ‘Padma Purana’. Bhagwat Gita’s Chap 6, Verse 32 is ātmaupamyena sarvatra samaṁ paśhyati yo ’rjuna sukhaṁ vā yadi vā duḥkhaṁ sa yogī paramo mataḥ. These verses can give the right guidance towards the solution to this illness.

When Acharya was in the eighth standard in a Delhi School, there was a verse there in his textbook. We must do that to others as we wish them to do to us. This is the golden rule of life. In Mahabharata, there is a full chapter explaining this principle of life. Even a violent person of the highest grade expects ahimsa (non-violence or compassion) for himself. Even a lion thinks about the security of himself & his family. Good liars also anticipate nobody should lie to him or cheat him. Similarly, the top-notch thief also thinks nobody should loot what he has looted from his victims.

Even a first-rate characterless person thinks his daughter & daughter-in-law & himself must not be made victims by other characterless persons. Even the richest of the rich who hoards wealth accumulated by incorrect means, conning & cheating others, think others must not loot or cheat him. So, in short, everyone expects Ahimsa (compassion), Satya (truth or truthfulness), Asteya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (celibacy), and Aparigraha (non-hoarding) from others. When we are unable to perform or have this type of attitude for others, we go on into the mode or path of terror-terrorism.

Terrorism must be erased but at the same time wish ultimate fit for those, who involved in terrorists. Like Prahlad Ji has said a striking thing “Swastyastu Vishvasya khalah Prasidataam” May scoundrels also stay happy. When an ill person stays happy; only then the disease will be cured.

In two ways terrorism can be ended or erased. One way Saints do it, Acharyas have been given a mandate by Bhagwan to finish terror and not to kill the terrorist. We have to kill the thought, ideology, emotion, feeling & craving for doing terror acts. It is similar to a doctor working to kill disease and not the patient. Once the disease is cured, the patient is healthy.

For those diseased persons, in this case, the terrorist, who himself has become the disease terror and if he is infecting many persons, Bhagawan says: “ Paritranaya cha Sadhunam, Vinashayacha Duskritaam”. Bhagwan will not stay without killing terrorists. Bhagwan says he will not spare that person or group of persons. Saints are given the responsibility to change their thoughts from terror & terrorism and not to kill them.

Swami Akhandananda Saraswati Ji used to say a very interesting thing that “fire & terrorism by nature are the same”. He gave this analogy for unmonitored lust, anger & greed, etc. Fire will express itself by burning that place where it is born. When a matchstick is lighted, it burns the head of the matchstick first, then the whole stick. Similarly, if a person has uncontrollable lust, anger & greed in his heart and nature, these weaknesses (terror) will burn/kill the heart of that violent person first.

Lust, anger & greed are like diseases. So our Saints advise not to think & harbor such emotions/weaknesses as it will affect you first. These will make you a terrorist and an unhappy person. Terrorist harms others later but harms the self first. A person becomes a terrorist when he disregards his intellect. “Tatvapakshapato hi Svabhavodhiyam” The nature of Intelligence and living beings is to take the side of truth.

Without disregarding or neglecting our heart, emotions, principle & intellect, nobody can do wrong acts or go on the wrong path or mode of terror & terrorism.

Narayana !!!

