Truth about Mecceshwar Mahadev

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Natraj Maneshinde Ji

There is a dilemma among us regarding ‘Shivalinga’ as to whether it a symbolic representation of Shiva or a Phallic representation. There is a question. We haven’t seen it personally, only heard of it. The custom in Mecca, which is visited by the Hajis, is a Hindu Custom.

The pilgrims wear a seven yards un-stitched cloth and circumambulate seven times from the right and it is also said that ‘Makkeshwara’ is a representation of ‘Shiva’. Those who are into the study of ‘Nyaya’, ‘Vaisheshika’, and other ‘Darshanas (Vedic philosophy and science), won’t have such misconceptions.

You can see the ‘danda’ in the hand of Sanyasi called Dandi Swami. It is named ‘Vishnu Linga’. Linga means a symbol. For an instance, consider the smoke. Looking at the dense smoke, the presence of fire can be inferred. This smoke is considered to be a symbol/indicator through which Fire’s presence can be inferred. In the ‘Siddhi’ (attainment) of the Sadhya (‘attainable’), Linga is considered as a virtue by which, the attainable is attained. In the context of male-female also, the word Linga means symbol.

Shiva Linga can be defined in two ways. One, It can be considered as a symbol of Shiva, and two, It is Shiva himself who has manifested as Linga. Linga symbolizes/reveals the ‘Nirguna’(attribute-less) ‘Nirakara’(formless) and secondly as the ‘Saguna’( with attributes) and ‘Nirakara’(formless). There are ‘Archa Vigraha’ (idols meant for worship) of ‘Bhagwan’ which have hands-legs etc. The ‘Pancha Devas’ are worshipped using of ‘Archa Vigrahas’. The worship is also done utilizing Linga which symbolizes the ‘Saguna Nirakara’ and ‘Nirguna Nirakara’. As said in ‘Bhagavata’ “lakshanaih anumaapakih”. through which, the ‘sadhya’(the attainable) can be understood is called ‘Linga. It is not an offensive word. Even in the context of the male, female gender, the word ‘Linga’ means a symbol.

Coming to the topic of Makkeshwara, there is also the topic of Jammukeshwara, which you haven’t considered. The Jamma Masjid in Delhi is the shrine of Jammukeshwara. There is a special edition on Shiva Mahapuran published by Gita Press. Its name is probably ‘Shivopasana Anka’. Makkeshwara and Jammukeshwara have been described in it. These shrines are in the hands of ‘Vidharmis’ (who opposed to Dharma). As far as the tradition is concerned, probably there are no references to these shrines in the ‘Shastra’( scriptures). Consider the shrine of Amarnath, which is considered holy owing to the presence of the ice formed Linga. The Priests at this shrine, though dressed in a way similar to the priests of ‘Baidyanath Dhaam‘ etc, are Muslims. The shrines of ‘Jammukeshwara‘ and Makkeshwara are in the hands of Muslims. Now, consider the shrine of Shri Pashupatinath, Nepal. Bhagwatpada Shivavatara Shankaracharya was born in 507 BC. Neither Prophet Mohammad nor Christ existed at that time, but their followers have distorted the time of Adi Shankaracharya. This is a deceit of the British. The king of Nepal had embraced Jaina dharma’.

When Bhagwan Shankaracharya toured Nepal, with the desire of restoring the traditional worship of Pashupatinath in the form of Shiva Linga, he first kindled the faith of Nepal’s King towards ‘Vaidik Sanatana Dharma’. Similarly, in Rameshwaram, the prevailing sect had begun worshipping the ‘Linga‘ as their deity. Bhagvatpada Shankaracharya also restored Rameshwara as Shiva Linga. So it’s all a matter of time. The shrines of Jammukeshwara and Makkeshwara are now in the hands of ‘Vidharmis’. There are many such Shiva Lingas. One can be pointed by you and many pointed out others.

Narayana !!

