What is “Danda” carried by a ‘Dandi Sanyasi’?

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Paritosh Mishra Ji

Everyone must understand the meaning of a symbol. The symbol means sign. Sign in Sanskrit is known as “Linga”. In scriptures, this Danda is known as Vishnu Linga. It is a symbol of Shri Vishnu Bhagwan & it’s also called ‘Brahma Dand’. When a Brahmana takes up Sanyasa (renunciation) as prescribed in our Scriptures, then this Danda is given to him. He gets the authorization when he earns eligibility to get this Danda. Sanyasi’s Danda signifies Bhagwan Vishnu and his powers.

In this Danda, the Shri Yantra is initiated with vastra (prescribed cloth) & yagnopavit (sacred thread). Shri Yantra is initiated with required rituals as prescribed by scriptures. You all heard the name of Shri Parshuram Bhagwan. These vastra & yagnopavit together construct Shri Parshu Mudra. The creation of Shri Parshuram Mudra invokes and preserves all Shakti in this universe after the installation in Danda. All Dandi Sanyasis daily perform Abhisheka, Tarpana, and Pujana of their Danda.

There are types of Danda as per the different traditions. One type of Danda is having six knots. You may know that the Mantra of ‘Sudarshan Chakra’ is six lettered one. This six knotted Danda is known as “Sudarshan Danda”.

In a different lineage, Danda is having eight knots. The mantra of Shri Narayan Bhagwan is eight lettered one and the name of this Danda is “Narayan Danda”. Both Narayan & Vishnu Bhagwan are one and the same. Both are Shri Vishnu. Sudarshan Chakra is also related to Shri Vishnu Bhagwan.

Danda is also having ten knots. The knot is on a specified type of wooden stick. Danda is selected according to the height of the Saint and he should select his Danda. This Danda has six, eight, ten, twelve, or fourteen knots as the highest limitation. Ten knotted Danda is known as ‘Gopala Danda’. Gopal Mantra is having ten letters. “MahaNarayana Upanishad” has quoted this process. Twelve knotted Danda is known as ‘Vasudeva Danda’. It is also related to Shri Vishnu Bhagwan. Narad Muni had given Deeksha of Vasudev Mantra to Dhruva Ji. This Mantra is twelve lettered one. Then a fourteen knotted Danda is known as “Ananta SheshaNaga”. Ananta is also related to Shri Vishnu Bhagwan and in the Upanishads, the Mantra of Ananta are fourteen lettered one and the Shakti of the entire universe can be installed in it as per the Vedic process and expertise of lineage.

When Brahmana takes ritualistic renunciation, that time his Guru gives him Danda. Now, why do Sanyasis keep this Danda covered with a cloth? When they walk around, this Danda must not touch by anyone. Otherwise, purity of the Danda will be affected. This is a restriction. When Gau Mata (Indian origin of a cow) makes hum, a Dandi Saint can travel in the pure state without Danda till the distance the voice travels, not any further. Indian cow hum represents the allocated distance for a Saint and the purity produced in the atmosphere.

In earlier times people used to go jungle with water in ‘Kamandalu’ (ancient pot used by saints). So in an impure state, you cannot carry Danda or touch it. Now they travel in trains so by different contact Dandi Sanyasis do not have that purity in that stage. Now you all may be knowing products made from desi (Indian) cow — Milk, Curd & Ghee, etc. We keep Curd covered in a utensil or not? We do it so that flies don’t sit on it and make the curd impure. The sweet should be uncovered at an appropriate time. Otherwise, it is called a sham.

Likewise, in earlier times Indian ladies used to cover their heads. That was the norm. They maintained that tradition & culture. Nowadays ladies don’t dress in the traditional way. So it is not considered as cultured. Likewise, a male must also be fully dressed. In this way, Dandi Sanyasis keep their Danda pure with the prescribed cover. When we do Pujan that time only they keep Danda uncovered. Except this at all times they keep Danda covered. The reason being Danda has the divine Shakti of the universe; the purity of it has to be maintained always. Persons who are ineligible & unauthorized are not supposed to see uncovered Danda.

Narayana !!!

