What is the meaning of ‘Shiva-Linga’?

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
3 min readSep 15, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Sandeep Sehgal Ji

The word ‘linga’ is mostly used in Nyaya philosophy. The meaning of this word in English is ‘symbol’. In Hindi, it is denoted by ‘chinha’ which is basically a Sanskrit word. Once there are few people went to Jungle for an adventure. It was cold and they were looking for fire. After a 1hour of search, they saw a mountain and they saw smoke in between the mountains. So they understood there was a fire in the mountain. Like a non-stop stream of smoke considered as an indicator of fire. This indicator is also called Soochak, Gyapak, Hetu. So, that is why the non-stop stream of smoke is considered an indicator (linga) of fire through which we can infer the presence of the fire.

The word ‘Shiva-Linga’ is derived in two ways in scriptures. Shiva is described with name-form-attribute and in a different context, Shiva is absolute truth-conscious-bliss without name-form-attribute.

Being his expressive indicator, the place of manifestation the Linga of Shiva is called as ‘Shiva-linga’. In Upanishads it is explained as Shiva himself is Linga. The indicator of Shiva is linga and Shiva himself had manifested as linga.

In Arunachal and other places, the stories regarding Jyotirlinga is popular in a similar way, Lord Shiva manifests his attribute-less and formless self as Shiva-linga at various places with his ‘leela’(play). Hence there is no difference between Shiva and his linga like there is no difference between a country and its flag. The flag is the linga representing and justifying the land, people, culture, knowledge, expertise, etc.

Bhagwan Shiva is also called ‘Ashtamurti’. Shiva got different names, forms, attributes, play, objective, as per the Hindu scripture and science. The attribute-less and formless manifestation of Bhagwan Shiva is only illuminated by Shiva-linga. Bhagwan is ‘Ashtamurti’ and ‘Ashtamukh’. He has faces in all eight directions. ‘Dakshinamurti’ is also one of the popular manifestations of Lord Shiva. He is famously known for facing the southern direction, so-called Dakshanimurti.

In five elements fire, sun and moon are also included, so he gets eight faces. Pushpadanta and there are other names also, which described a form of Bhagwan Shiva. Since Shiva is ‘Ashtamurti’, so he himself is manifested in the form of eight parts of Prakriti. Nature is the closest word to understand Prakriti. It is also described in a gross and subtle way in scripture.

Through five senses, intellect, mind, ego, is present in our lives. So Shiva is only manifested in all these senses and thoughts. He is present in the individual and total level. In Srimad Bhagvat it is mentioned in a spiritual way. There it is said, the “instrument” is inferred by its “effect”. If there is an effect then the tool or medium is being inferred and through the “instrument” the “doer” is inferred and doer without any instrument and effort is called Non-doer, Unmodified.

So in this way, instruments like the mind, senses, etc are also Shiva-linga. They are the manifestation of the self in the form of Shiva and the truth of Atma is indicated by them.

In simple, we can understand the substratum is called Shiva. To worship the form-name-attribute less, we need an instrument. This instrument got similar potential. It should be recommended by Guru and Scriptures. For example, your smartphone is not communication. But it is an instrument for passing the ideas. But in the case of Shiva Linga, there is no difference.

Shiva Linga is highly sensitive and needs traditional permission to worship. Please consult with Acharayas to check your scriptural eligibility before any ritual.

Narayana !!!

