What is the meaning of the word Hindu?

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
5 min readSep 15, 2020

Guidance from: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Manish Pant Ji

When this question arises, one person can go for a search on the web or can refer to his elders to get an idea. I did that also to find the probable results available in google and Wikipedia and many more. I found a lot of links describing this word in terms of geography, in terms of history, and terms of individual understanding.

Here I want to say the meaning of the word “Hindu” as per our tradition and Holy Scriptures. Look Hindu is a scriptural word and the meaning should be described as per the scripture, as per the lineage, as per the traditional Gurus or Acharyas or mentors. The definition of any word related to any field should be described through that particular expert, who got knowledge and degree proving him a person to acknowledge. People can get benefits and prefer those persons who got a recommendation from a prescribed institution.

A person can read the law by themself; can fight in the court for his individual defense. But he is not authorized to play the part as an “Advocate” for different persons. Why so? I think it is safe and society accepted it for its operational benefit.

Similarly, this should be the rule for any field. Here I am saying this to justify my stand.

Which is “Meaning of Hindu”? Those who have studied this term from their individual perceptional abilities can never get the true idea. They can fight for them in this democratic era, but when they are trying to advocate or teach, then it is against these global norms. I said an example of the Law field before. This applies to Dharma also. It applies to medicines, it should be applicable to transport also. You may know how to drive a bus, but you got no right to drive it for many people without a recommended driving license. See. It is the rule. So we have to understand that scriptural words like Dharma and Hindu are also required recommendations as per the right authority and institutions.

Now I am coming back to our point.

Long before the birth of Jesus and Muhammad, the word Hindu was variously used in the context of gentle, beautiful, amiable, adorned, rightful person, who is also the conqueror of enemies. Alexander led an expedition up to Punjab which is in India’s western borders. This is not now a part of ancient Bharat. That time, he had the desire to visit the Hindkoot Parvat or Hindukush.

The word Hindu is mentioned in one of the scriptures of Zoroastrians called ‘Shaatir’. In the Zoroastrian (Parsi) holy book Avesta the word Hindu is also stated. It was written hundreds of years before Alexander. So this is the truth.

Interestingly, the Afghan city of Balkh was once called Hindwar. According to the Rigveda, ‘Sa’ and ‘Ha’ are the same thing. These are Sanskrit and according to grammatical and divine rules, they both are used as the same alphabet in particular places and purposes. The Vedic scholar knows about it.

In “Bhavishya Puran” variously refers to the country as Sindhusthan, Hindusthan, or Hindustan. It is called the perfect abode of “Aryas”. Also, in Kalka Purana, the ‘Hindavah’ word is used. ‘Veda margoyam’, people treading on the path of Vedas were called Hindu’.

Indu and Sindhu were, therefore, considered as synonyms. The “Brihaspati Agama” text makes a very specific reference to the word ‘Hindustan’. Also, in Aashvamedhik Parva of Mahabharat, ‘Aryavarta’ is called Hindustan or Sindhustan.

A Hindu is one who is virtuous, shuns violence but is simultaneously capable of destroying anarchic elements, and protector of the Vedas and cattle. It must also be noted that the word Hindu also occurs in Ramkosha and Parijaata Haran Nataka. Drama is the closest word to translate the word Nataka. Remember, these are references and all Hindus got the highest regard for these means of information and knowledge.

In an expansive definition of the word Hindu, Madhav Digvijaya says A person who has accepted “Beeja Mantra” of the Vedas, who believes in rebirth, who worships cow, who worships the River Ganga and as per Indian tradition, who considers the Vedic Rishis as his Gurus is called a Hindu. He is capable of suppressing violence and is an upholder of the Kshatriya Dharma, such a person would be considered Hindu.

Furthermore, the word Hindu is also used in the Rigveda with‘hi’ and ‘ndu’ both being used in the context of cow-worshippers. I explained through many examples that Hindu is not a derogatory word given by Muslim rulers. In fact, long before the arrival of Alexander or Islam to India, the word “Hindu” finds a mention in ancient Zoroastrian (Parsi) texts as I told before.

The word finds mentions in the work of Rishi Ved Vyasa, repositories such as Medani Kosa and the Puranas such as Kalika. There is no way to verify its meaning as per the political parties in the contemporary scenario. These fake definitions and meanings are based on their ideology. It is created for their benefits. So we are finding confusion regarding Hindu now in India.

The word Hindu was used in the period of the Rigveda for a cow-worshipper. In Atharva Veda, it is also used as it is. So, the word Hindu is Vedic, ancient, and mentioned in several texts. And that is how ancient foreign records have referred to the people of this country. Hence, Sindhu and Hindu are carrying the same meaning as per our Scripture and history.

We should understand a simple fact. 10 years is required to complete basic schooling. Then it takes expertise studies and work experience to be an expert in any field. This is also applicable here. We have to search for the recommended person and institute to understand the real thing. Internet information, studying a couple of books-articles, attending a few spiritual discourses are good things to do. But you also need a particular structure to say about this great vertical. I got these teachings from a great Acharya of Hinduism. His knowledge is extraordinary. He does not speak English. I shall tell you about him someday. Everyone knows about him in India. The right things about Hinduism came from his blessings and if anything doesn’t feel good consider it as my ignorance.

In the next episodes, we shall discuss fundamental aspects slowly. I am here sharing the information from lineage. These are not the knowledge of a Hindu. We can talk about them in the future if life permits.

I wish you good luck!

Narayana !!

