What is the Varnashrama System in Devaloka?

Sanjit Mahapatra
Hindu Podcast
Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2020

Concept: Puri Peethadhishwar Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati Ji Maharaj

Credits: Sandeep Sehgal Ji

On what basis is “Varnashrama” characterized in Devatas?

From Kashyap Ji and Aditi Ji, the King of Devatas, Indra was born. He was a Brahmana, but his Jati is considered as Kshatriya. We can find this reference in ‘Brihadaranyaka Upanishad’. Because he is doing Karma of a Kshatriya, he works to protect, to govern, as a King. Vasu became Vaishya, some other Devatas became Shudras.

This explanation might make some people happy. But we have to understand this properly. This system doesn’t apply to earth. Which Varna system is applicable for Bhagwan Vishnu who manifests from Virat? It is not applicable to Bhagwan. It’s not applicable to Brahmaa Ji and if it is applicable in some specific view, then Brahmaa Ji should be called as first Brahmana. Varna system is not applicable to Vishnu Ji but he is considered as Kshatriya, he does the job of protection that’s why calls himself Kshatriya. Bhrugu Ji; his grandson was a Brahmana. Which means grandfather is Kshatriya and grandson is Brahmana, this is beyond imagination without proper understanding. How come grandfather is Kshatriya and grandson a Brahmana, what kind of Varna system is this?

Bhagwan imposes himself as Kshatriya but the Varna system is not applicable to Narayana, then some become happy to get their desired points. I said — the Varna system on this world is inferior and the Varna System explained by some popular figures is significant to Devloka. In Devaloka Jati is decided by Karma. Only on this basis, can we say Indra as Kshatriya, and Agni and Chandra as Brahmanas. Soma means Chandrama (moon) as well as Somalata (soma plant), then why Somalata is named Chandrama because according to ‘tithi’ (lunar day), leaves come and fall. ‘Shuklapaksha’ and ‘Krishnapaksha’ are used for rejuvenation as well.

Brahmanas coronate Prince as a King, at that time they recite a Mantra. The meaning is: “Oh King, be alert, we are making you King, after being crowned, do not tighten the grip on us, we give the introduction of our King, listen. Atri Ji’s son, Chandrama is our King, not you! Kshatriyas can’t rule over us Brahmanas. What is the psychology here? The Devata of Mind is Moon. Due to Moon our Mind is so pacified, we praise the moon as our king. With his blessing even in dreams, the mind doesn’t go wrong paths. This is the gross meaning. So in Devatas, Chandra and Agni are Brahmanas. Agni is born from the mouth of Bhagwan. So for the Devatas, the Varna system is based on Karma, not for us.

What about animals and birds? Which Varna system is applicable to them?

In Bhagavatam, 6th Chapter, When 3 heads of Vishvarupa were cut, one of them which was drinking Soma Rasa, became “Papeeha” (Cuckoo), the one which was drinking Sura, became “Gaureiya” (Sparrow), the one eating cereal became “Teetara” (Partridge). Now there are different kinds of Birds like Goose and Crow. They have different food habits.

There was one Political leader, a jeweler from Rajasthan. He wrote a book ‘Ratnapariksha’ and went to Jagjivan Ram Babuji to gift him. He asked, “Babuji, please read and give some comments.” Jagjivan Ram Ji read it and later said, “Oh! I am striving to remove Jati /Varna system in humans and here you have proved that there is Jati of gems as well.” He said, “Babuji, I am not talking here as a political leader, but if I don’t subscribe to Jatis in gems, they don’t give purity and in fact become lethal. There are Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra in all kinds of gems. If a gem of Shudra kind is given to a Brahmana, then Brahmana will suffer a lot.

One of Puri Shankaracharya’s companions got sick, and no physician could diagnose him. They took him to Acharya’s Guru, he asked, “What happened, why you are getting weak?” He said, “Maharaj, only a few days of my life are left.” Maharaj asked, “What happened?” He said, “No physician is able to cure me.” Maharaj looked at this forearm, “What is tied to your forearm?” He said, “The same thing that is tied to your forearm.” Maharaj said, “Ok, so you are copying me. Untie this or you will die.” Maharaj replied, “I can withstand its power but you can’t. That’s the miracle of a gem! Later he found the cause of your illness after removing that.”

So, the jeweler said to Jagjivan Ramji, “nobody will pay heed here to what you have to say, otherwise we will be destroyed. Our business is of gems only. By testing only the Jati of a gem can be found. A particular gem is given to a particular Jati and this is how our business works.

So, Jagjivan Ramji asked, “Are there Jatis in humans as well?” He replied, ”If there are Jatis in gems, then there are Jatis in humans as well!”

As per Mahabharata, the Varna system is applicable to Brahmaa Ji, otherwise called Virat or Hiranyarbha, but not to Bhagwān Narayana. First Brahmana was Brahmaa Ji as mentioned in the Mahabharata. If I talk straight, whoever has a body due to the effect of Karma, the Varna system starts from there. Brahmaa Ji gets birth due to his Karma, due to the effect of performing the due ritual of Karma-Upasana. Brahmaa Ji gets the body that first “Prani” who got the body due to the effect of Karma, comes under the mechanism of the Varna system.

So Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and ShudraBrahmaa Ji is the forefather of them all. Brahmaa Ji is a compound of all living beings and the body of Narayana is under Vidyaapaad in Atmartha creation, not that ignorance is under Jivartha creation, that’s why he is supreme. This is from Tripaadvibhuti Naryanopanishad.

Narayana !!!

