Go to Hip Hop Literature
Hip Hop Literature
Hip Hop Literature is an international movement that destigmatizes the stereotype that everyone in the space is a gun-slinging, drug-dealing gangster. Artists today are pinnacle lyricists — dealers of punchlines through meticulous metaphors, clever connotations and savvy schemes.
Note from the editor

Hip Hop Literature is an international movement that destigmatizes the stereotype that everyone in the space is a gun-slinging, drug-dealing gangster. Artists today are pinnacle lyricists — dealers of punchlines through meticulous metaphors, clever connotations and savvy schemes.

Go to the profile of Brandon Handoko
Brandon Handoko
cal | doing things that make kickass bedtime stories
Go to the profile of Brandon Handoko
Brandon Handoko
cal | doing things that make kickass bedtime stories
Go to the profile of Trinity Moore
Trinity Moore
Business Cinematic Arts Major at USC seeking to spark dialogue, encourage diversity in thought, and bring people together with everything I do.