What is an Emcee in Rap?

What does Emcee stand for?

Hip Hop News: TL Beats Radio
Hip Hop News
3 min readSep 27, 2016


What is an Emcee in Rap | www.buyrapbeatsonline.com

“Emcee”, or “MC” stands for “master of ceremonies”. The world itself is an illusion to old school hip hop, in that an old school emcee had to be able to perform on stage. Old school rappers tended to have the “MC” in front of their name. Ex: “MC Shan”, “MC Lyte” and even “MC Hammer”.

Before the days of internet and digital purchasing, rappers made most of their headway and sales through their ability to perform live. Old school greats like “Biggie” were certainly noted for their ability on stage as well at their actual musical substance.

MC basically indicates a high level of performance skill. Terms like rapper, lyricist, and and artist all could potentially describe the same person, an MC is someone who can kill it on stage.

The problem with the new era is rappers focus less and less on this. Now this isn’t a problem necessarily but rappers today aren’t grasping the true benefit of being a great performer.

Once you kill it on stage, the followers and audience you have for that is for a life time. No matter how digitized the world gets, there’s always going to be a place for great emcees in the traditional sense.

How Do I Become a Great “Emcee”?

Practice, practice, practice, and practice some more. There’s no secret that great performers are on stage a lot. They tend to get better every time they perform. It is both a confidence and comfort thing.

Its like doing a speech in front of a large audience, one you do it once, you get a feel of it, you see places you could have maybe improved on, and you bring it to your next speech. It anyone has taken a public speaking course, this is also a great way to practice being an emcee.

Being comfortable in front of a large audience transcends to any career. It’s no wonder why Trump is having such a successful (albeit controversial) campaign. It is because he is a great public speaker, and has been doing it as a CEO for years.

Again, practice practice, and don’t be afraid to fail. Really push yourself as a performer and understand that the times you do fail is more helpful than you think. When it happens, take whatever you did wrong and get rid of it and correct it.

Take also the good parts and be sure to implement it into your next show. If you think a move is cool and want to try it go ahead.

Practicing off stage can be helpful as well, and by this I mean practicing in front of a mirror or in front of a small audience. This can help easy nervousness and give you a good since of what you look like. Also this can potentially cut any awkward parts of your performance before going on stage in front of an actual crowd.

Some emcees however choose not to practice routine ahead of time as they feel it takes the passion away. That choice is up to you.

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