How HiP is changing property ownership forever

Hip Property
HiP Token
Published in
1 min readJan 29, 2018

Owning property is a closed economy. If you’re in the privileged position to buy and own a building, you’re in a very small percentage of the population who can actually jump through the very small hoops put there by lenders and banks.

HiP seeks to change all that, turning the property market into an open economy and allowing people to buy a home, where previously they were unable. Cash-poor but asset-rich people are now able to release money from property without the need to move or sell-up. Property developers are now able to spread their risk.

In short, there are many different scenarios where HiP acts as a total gamechanger. Click on the vid below to find out more…



Hip Property
HiP Token

Property is wealth Access it. Control it. Share it.