See how the concept of HiP is explained in just 3 MINUTES

Hip Property
HiP Token
Published in
1 min readMar 12, 2018

It’s not that easy condensing something as brilliant but enormous as HiP into a short, concise explanation, but by Jove, we think co-founder Sam Collett has done it!

Sam is a co-founding member of the HiP concept. He has been working alongside our CEO (Kai Peeters) for 12 years — and is the driving force behind the design work for HiP.

In this short pitch, Sam explains one of the use cases of the HiP platform. Sam gives examples of the way in which individuals, who do not have the capital to pay for their deposit, can (via the HiP platform) partner with other individuals and become joint owners of said property.

This opens up an entirely new financial cycle between buyer and lender, diversifying the lending scenario and enabling a much less restrictive agreement.

Check it out here:

Of course, there are many, many different applications that HiP has in the modern world of property buying and ownerships — whether it’s residential or commercial.

However, this video should give you some understanding on how HiP can work for everyone, no matter what their earning bracket, age or status is.



Hip Property
HiP Token

Property is wealth Access it. Control it. Share it.