#KeepIt100: League of Conservation Voters releases 2016 Congressional Scorecard

Mustafa Santiago Ali
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2017


Earlier this week the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) released their first ever analysis of the environmental voting records of the congressional caucuses of color. The 0–100 score reflects how well Members of the Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and the Congressional Hispanic Conference are addressing environmental issues, including climate change, clean energy, and public health.

The Hip Hop Caucus applauds this first-ever analysis and recognizes Members with high scores. While each missed point for a Member on the scorecard might seem trivial, we know that in the real world, and especially for our vulnerable communities, each missed point means much, much more; it means more kids suffering from asthma and lead poisoning. It means less opportunity to participate in the clean energy economy. It means more families being displaced by the effects of climate change.

Thank you to Members who know how vital these issues are to their constituents, and more importantly, to our most vulnerable. We look forward to holding all of our Congressional Representatives and Senators accountable — and when it comes to scores, let’s make sure they #KeepIt100.

Mustafa Ali speaking at the Capitol

Unfortunately, some Congressional Members often overlook these communities and disregard the public’s overwhelming support for environmental protection. It is simply irresponsible and dangerous that we still have many in Congress that are not listening to the science, and instead prefer to put profits for polluters over people. It is frightening to see that the overall score of the House of Representatives is as low as it has ever been — and the Senate is not far behind. Why are all Members of Congress not doing everything in their power to protect our health? Why are they not doing everything they can to create new economic opportunities in clean energy, like solar and wind? Why are they failing to protect the most vulnerable from the effects of climate change? Why are they not doing everything they can to protect the only planet we have for future generations?

The good news is that Congressional Members of color are leading the way.

In addition to their high scores in 2016, their understanding of the importance of these issues is turning into real action in 2017. In the past month alone, we have seen Members of color take bold steps to galvanize action through the creation of coalitions and introduction of legislation.


At the end of April, Representatives McEachin, Jayapal, and Barragán announced the formation of the United for Climate & Environmental Justice Congressional Task Force to help elevate the need for policies that make a difference in our communities. Senators Booker, Sanders, and Merkley also put forth bold legislation to transition our country to 100 percent clean and renewable energy by 2050, while ensuring a just transition for workers, and low-income and disadvantaged communities.

Senator Booker and Rev Yearwood

Many individual Members are doing their part by not only working with their colleagues on Capitol Hill, but also with organizations within their communities to protect the environment and combat climate change. This makes a difference in their score, but more importantly translates into positive impact for real people.

For example, Congressional Black Caucus Member, Representative Barbara Lee, from the 13th District of California, scored a perfect 100. As a Member of the Safe Climate Caucus and Sustainable Energy & Environment Coalition, she is leading the way on Capitol Hill to drive positive policies. In addition, working with organizations in her community, she has been a serious champion for Environmental Justice efforts. Over the years she has helped put on Environmental Justice town halls and tours with local stakeholders such as the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project, Asian Pacific Environmental Network, and others from the California Environmental Justice Alliance.

How can we replicate this understanding and turn it into action for all? How can we help Members achieve a perfect score? How do we ensure everyone can #KeepIt100?

With an eye on the 2018 midterms, you can bet that many Members not doing well on this scorecard are going to be facing their constituents on these issues. The Hip Hop Caucus will be focusing our energy on turning out the vote and we will be using tools like the LCV scorecard to make sure people are informed on the issues.

Congressional Members who continue to put profit over people will ultimately lose. In these times where the stakes on protecting the environment and health of our communities have never been higher, and the threats against them have never been greater, we look to our leaders on Capitol Hill to do the right thing.

Through strong leadership at all levels, we can help our most vulnerable communities move from “Surviving to Thriving”. Let’s make sure we hold our Congressional Representatives and Senators accountable — and make sure they #KeepIt100.

Read the full scorecard here: https://www.lcv.org/2016-scorecard-caucuses-of-color/

Be part of the solution: share this article, share the report, and find your member of congress and tweet them so say thanks or they need to step up and #KeepIt100.



Mustafa Santiago Ali

Senior Vice President @HipHopCaucus Focusing on Environmental Justice, Climate Change & Community Revitalization, Energy Equity & Economic Justice