Trump’s Anticipated Decision to Withdraw from Paris Climate Agreement is a Massive Step Backwards and Failed Leadership

Hip Hop Caucus
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2017

“President Trump’s anticipated decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement is a massive step backwards in the global fight against climate change and American leadership. This action is yet another example of the fossil fuel industry’s stranglehold on our country and the President’s preference to play politics rather than do what is right for Americans.

The ferocious impacts of climate change are already happening around the world and in our backyards. Our most vulnerable communities are feeling these impacts first and worst, with their dire conditions compounded by climate change. Our planet, and certainly our most vulnerable communities, cannot wait any longer for this Administration to address these issues. This is a matter of life and death. The Paris Climate Agreement sets us on a course to steer clear of the most deadly impacts of climate change and it is simply irresponsible for us to step away.

The Paris Climate Agreement will not only help protect the health of our communities, but also presents them with immense economic opportunities. Jumping out of this agreement now will put our communities at a disadvantage to lead the 21st century clean energy economy and hurts American workers in both red and blue states alike, including putting 1.2 million jobs at risk for workers in states that voted for Trump.

Regardless of the decision to withdraw from the agreement, the Hip Hop Caucus will continue to work in partnership with leaders around the world to utilize opportunities to improve communities and combat climate change. We will also ensure that our low-income and communities of color are at the center of solutions, so that they can move from surviving to thriving.

President Trump’s decision is on the wrong side of history and is a blow to American leadership around the world and here at home. The stakes are too high and the opportunity is too great to not move forward in the fight against climate change. We must do this for the sake of our people now and the protection of our planet for future generations. All power to the people!”

- Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., President & CEO, Hip Hop Caucus



Hip Hop Caucus

A civil and human rights organization for the 21st century. #RespectMyVote