The Hippiecritical: Edition #3

Welcome to your weekly dose of weird, where I share new age trends and dig up gems from the counter-culture. You can sign up for the newsletter or find last week’s edition here.

Oz Chen


This week we cover: Raw Water, Erowid, New Age Statistics, Legal Psychedelics and Stardust.

How do you like your water, raw or well-treated?

Raw water is “water found in the environment that has not been treated and does not have any of its minerals, ions, particles, bacteria, or parasites removed.” (Wikipedia)

Companies like Live Water are selling raw water like hot cakes. It’s part of an “off-grid water movement” that involves drinking unfiltered, untreated water.

The trend seems to be a confluence of these forces: distrust of the public water supply (think Flint), the raw food trend, and the idea that anything “natural” must be good.

Add conspiracy theories about government mind control, and you’ve got the makings of a hit new age product.

