Hippocrat First-Half Report 2024

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8 min readJun 28, 2024

1. Vision and Strategy Overview

In the first half of 2024, Hippocrat made various efforts to realize its vision of “Building a Health Data Collection and Utilization Ecosystem.” Hippocrat’s incentive model and governance aim to give data subjects sovereignty over their healthcare data on an open and decentralized protocol. It also supports smooth collaboration among healthcare providers and institutions utilizing healthcare data.

Under this vision, Hippocrat expanded its business areas and strengthened its technological capabilities by developing innovative healthcare solutions using blockchain technology and forming strategic partnerships with major domestic and international companies and institutions. These efforts are part of the initiative to protect data subjects from privacy infringement, build trust between individuals and institutions, and promote various innovations that can improve health and quality of life.

This report details Hippocrat’s major achievements in the first half of 2024 and explains how these achievements embodied Hippocrat’s vision and realized its strategic goals.

2. Partnership Projects and Achievements

1. Joint Research with ResearchHub to explore the potential usage of HIPPOCRAT SDK

ResearchHub, a project created by Coinbase founder Brian Armstrong, aims to serve as the Reddit of the scientific community. Hippocrat announced a collaboration with ResearchHub to address global health inequalities through AI and decentralized healthcare solutions. Beyond collaboration, joint research was conducted with ResearchHub to explore the potential usage of HIPPOCRAT SDK.

One of the products utilizing the HIPPOCRAT SDK is Hippodoc, a telemedicine solution. ‘Hippodoc’ was created to innovate medical accessibility for medically underserved areas and populations worldwide. Through joint research focused on analyzing populations with limited access to medical care due to aging, poverty, war, etc., in medically underserved areas of the United States, Middle East, India, and Europe. This allowed us to explore ways to provide specialized treatment for various diseases, address the shortage of medical resources, and strengthen chronic disease management.

Report of the joint research can be found at the following link Identifying Potential Populations And Regions For Effective Telemedicine Interventions

Simultaneously with the joint research, we launched and completed testing of the Hippodoc Closed Beta service.

2. Collaboration with Saluscare

We established a strategic partnership with Saluscare, Korea’s largest health check up prognosis management service provider, and collaborated to introduce Web3 technology for data protection in health management solutions. This collaboration includes the implementation of decentralized identifier (DID) technology using HPO tokens and the Solana mainnet in Vitaport, the health management platform provided by Saluscare.

Through the collaboration, over 1.4 million annual health examination recipients can now safely manage their data through HPO DID, and protect personal information from being used or leaked without the user’s consent. The introduction of this technology provides an important data source for personalized health management and medical research in the future. This has laid the foundation for dramatically strengthening health data management and security, and we plan to build a global-scale health data network through additional global partnerships in the future.

Moreover, Hippocrat successfully completed the deployment of standard policies and contracts for data transactions on the mainnet. By utilizing the SDK and introducing the HPO token economy within the Vitaport service, Saluscare’s health examination prognosis management service, we deployed Solana contracts. These contracts include HPO DID and personal information consent management records, ensuring users’ data sovereignty and enabling transparent data management. These achievements can be verified through the Solana blockchain explorer, clearly demonstrating Hippocrat’s real-world applications.

3. Listing on Korbit Exchange

Hippocrat ($HPO) was successfully listed on Korbit, a major exchange in Korea, with the HPO/KRW trading pair. Korbit is South Korea’s first crypto exchange and an official member of DAXA, one of the country’s major exchanges.

Korbit’s rigorous listing review process comprehensively evaluates the project’s technological capabilities, team competence, token economy, and legal compliance. Hippocrat met all these stringent review criteria and received listing approval, proving the project’s excellence and reliability.

Through this, Hippocrat has secured a broader investor base and raised awareness of the project.

To commemorate the listing, Korbit held an event of “20,000 Hippocrat (HPO) token Airdrop.” This event was an opportunity to attract new users and reward existing investors.

This Korbit listing is part of Hippocrat’s global expansion strategy, and we plan to strengthen the project’s global presence through more global exchange listings in the future.

4. Other Partnership Projects

During the first half of 2024, we continued our efforts to build a global healthcare data ecosystem by establishing strategic partnerships with various companies.

  1. Regional Market Entry and Expansion

(1) Conflux Network Conflux Network is the only public blockchain project officially approved and supported by the Chinese government. Through this partnership, Hippocrat has laid the foundation for entering the Chinese market. It aims to provide personalized medical services and professional medical advice to Chinese users. Ultimately, the goal is to connect Chinese users with excellent medical professionals from Korea within the ecosystem provided by Hippocrat.

(2) SolveCare SolveCare is a global healthcare platform company utilizing blockchain technology. We are collaborating to integrate Solve.Care Korea’s Care.Wallet with Hippocrat’s SDK (Patient DataHub) to enable Korean patients to manage their health and data more easily. This aims to provide a patient-centered data management solution and explore the possibility of building a Care.Network in Korea in the future.

  1. Decentralized Science (DeSci)

(1) AxonDAO AxonDAO is an organization that builds, supports, and funds decentralized science projects utilizing biometric AI. We are pursuing connections with DeSci SaaS projects developed in AxonDAO. This will contribute to promoting DeSci research and data sharing.

(2) Health DATA Alliance Health Data Alliance is a coalition of medical institutions, technology companies, and non-profit organizations aiming to develop protocol-based solutions that allow patients to own and manage their health data. Through this partnership, Hippocrat is expected to strengthen its patient-centered data management model and solidify its position in the global healthcare data ecosystem. Additionally, through Health Data Alliance’s extensive network, Hippocrat’s technology will have the opportunity to be introduced to more medical institutions and patients.

(3) PrivateAI PrivateAI is a security protocol that allows safe storage, processing, verification, and sale of data assets. We are collaborating to promote the utilization of data sets held in the Hippocrat ecosystem using PrivateAI. Hippocrat has been listed on the PrivateAI DAO Explorer, which will enable effective data utilization while enhancing data privacy and security.

(4) Data Lake Data Lake focuses on solving patient recruitment issues necessary for scientific clinical trials using blockchain technology. The collaboration between the two organizations aims to strengthen data sovereignty by building a system where individuals and healthcare providers can have control over their data. Through this, Hippocrat is expected to improve the clinical trial participant recruitment process by linking with Data Lake’s patient recruitment platform, and further enhance the efficiency of medical research.

  1. Blockchain Technology and Infrastructure

(1) Prom Prom is a modular zkEVM Layer 2 solution that connects EVM and Non-EVM worlds through interoperability. Hippocrat focuses on connecting with various EVM and Non-EVM ecosystems using Prom. Through this, Hippocrat has established itself as the first DeSci project within the Prom ecosystem.

(2) IQ.wiki IQ is the world’s largest blockchain encyclopedia and AI-based assistant platform. We have started developing a decentralized DeSci GPT Chatbot using the IQ Wiki platform. This project aims to increase the accessibility of scientific knowledge by combining blockchain technology and artificial intelligence, and is currently in the early stages of development.

  1. Healthcare Data Collection and Management

(1) Cudis Cudis is an AI-based smart ring development company. Through this partnership, user health data collected through Cudis’ smart ring can be safely stored and managed using Hippocrat’s SDK. It also aims to implement a data sovereignty model where users can control and share their health data as needed. This partnership is expected to present a new model of personalized healthcare services by combining real-time health data collection through wearable devices and blockchain technology.

(2) DIN DIN, promoting “The First Modular AI-Native Data Pre-Processing Layer,” provides innovative solutions combining data processing and AI technology. Through this partnership, Hippocrat is expected to maximize the value of medical data and accelerate the development of innovative healthcare solutions utilizing AI technology. The combination of DIN’s advanced data preprocessing technology and Hippocrat’s medical data ecosystem will enable more accurate and efficient medical service provision.

Through these various partnerships, Hippocrat is accelerating the construction and expansion of the global healthcare data ecosystem, while simultaneously striving to enhance data security, user privacy, and accessibility of medical services.

3. Offline Programs for Ecosystem Activation

Hippocrat successfully hosted various offline programs to activate the healthcare data ecosystem. These programs played a crucial role in sharing Hippocrat’s technology and vision with various stakeholders and understanding the requirements of the actual medical field.

First, in collaboration with Sogang University, we conducted a workshop to review the business roadmap. In this workshop, Hippocrat’s technology development direction and commercialization strategy were reviewed and feedback was received from an academic perspective. Through this, Hippocrat was able to further solidify its technology roadmap and establish strategies to prepare for future market changes.

Additionally, in cooperation with Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, we conducted workshops for medical staff and operated booths at medical conferences. At these events, Hippocrat was able to introduce its technology to actual users in the medical field and directly hear their requirements and feedback. In particular, through direct communication with medical staff, we were able to gain valuable insights into how Hippocrat’s technology can be applied in real medical environments.

These offline programs were important opportunities to share Hippocrat’s vision with various stakeholders and lay the foundation for cooperation, beyond simple technology demonstrations. Hippocrat plans to continue hosting such programs to continue efforts for the development and innovation of the healthcare data ecosystem.

4. Technology Development and Service Launch

Hippocrat focused on core technology development and service launches during the first half of 2024. A notable achievement was the launch of the Closed Beta service of Hippodoc, a telemedicine solution. Hippodoc was developed to innovate medical accessibility for medically underserved areas and populations worldwide and was operated with medical staff from Japan’s Medical DAO.

In-depth analysis of Hippocrat’s target market was conducted through joint research with ResearchHub. This research focused on populations with limited access to medical care due to aging, poverty, war, etc., in medically underserved areas of the United States, Middle East, India, and Europe. Based on this, ways to provide specialized treatment for various diseases, address the shortage of medical resources, and strengthen chronic disease management were explored.

The Hippodoc Closed Beta service was developed reflecting these research results and successfully launched and completed testing. This is an important milestone in implementing Hippocrat’s technology and vision into actual service, and is expected to strengthen Hippocrat’s position in the global healthcare market in the future.

Additionally, the development and release of HIPPOCRAT Wallet SDK v1 is an important technological advancement for the expansion of the Hippocrat ecosystem. This allows various partners to easily integrate Hippocrat’s technology into their services.

5. Summary of Achievements and Future Outlook

Hippocrat has laid a solid foundation for realizing its vision of “Building a Health Data Collection and Utilization Ecosystem.” Through collaborations with various partners including ResearchHub and Saluscare, we have strengthened our technological capabilities and expanded our business areas, and made efforts to understand and reflect the requirements of the actual medical field through offline programs.

In particular, the development and deployment of the HIPPOCRAT Wallet SDK and the launch of the Hippodoc Closed Beta service have become important milestones in realizing Hippocrat’s vision. These achievements are directly connected to Hippocrat’s goal of giving data subjects sovereignty over their healthcare data and supporting smooth collaboration among healthcare providers and institutions.

Moreover, through partnerships with various blockchain projects, we have greatly increased the scalability and applicability of our technology. This is an important advancement towards implementing the open and decentralized protocol that Hippocrat pursues.

Based on these achievements, we will continue to innovate the healthcare data ecosystem through the concretization of DAO governance, hosting global events, and expanding the use cases of HIPPOCRAT Wallet and SDK. Through this, we expect to contribute to increasing accessibility to medical services worldwide and providing personalized healthcare solutions.

Ultimately, Hippocrat aims to strengthen the rights of data subjects and individual stakeholders, and contribute to a future where more patients and ecosystem stakeholders around the world can enjoy healthy lives.




Hippocrat is a team that aims to build a global health data collection/utilization ecosystem.