Hippodoc Closed Beta Test Successfully Completed

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2 min readJun 20, 2024

Following the successful launch of the closed beta test for the Hippodoc telemedicine app, Hippocrat Labs is thrilled to announce the completion of this critical phase. The closed beta test provided invaluable insights into the performance and potential of Hippodoc, setting the stage for the next phase of our journey to revolutionize healthcare through blockchain technology and AI.

Evaluating AI Accuracy and User Experience

During the closed beta test, the Hippocrat team focused on two key aspects: the accuracy of the Hippodoc AI and the user experience for both patients and doctors. By collaborating with a diverse group of medical professionals, we gained a comprehensive understanding of the AI’s potential in triage services. The feedback received from our team and selected supporters has been overwhelmingly positive, validating the effectiveness of our approach and the seamless integration of AI-driven solutions into the telemedicine experience.

Ongoing Collaboration with ResearchHub

In parallel with the closed beta test, Hippodoc has embarked on a joint research initiative with ResearchHub to identify potential populations and regions where our telemedicine application can have the greatest impact in bridging the healthcare accessibility gap. This ongoing research aims to uncover insights that will guide the further development and deployment of Hippodoc, ensuring that our app is tailored to the specific needs of the people. Updates on the progress of this research will be available on the ResearchHub platform. Read here: https://www.researchhub.com/post/2732/identifying-potential-populations-and-regions-for-effective-telemedicine-interventions

The Future of Hippodoc

With the successful completion of the closed beta test, Hippocrat Labs is now ready to move forward with the next stages of Hippodoc’s development. Our team remains committed to refining and enhancing the applicaiton based on the valuable feedback received during the closed beta phase. We will continue to collaborate with healthcare professionals, researchers, and our growing community of supporters to ensure that Hippodoc delivers on its promise of accessible, secure, and personalized telemedicine services.

As we prepare for the upcoming open beta test, we are excited to showcase the new features and functionalities that will further distinguish Hippodoc as the leading telemedicine Dapp in the WEB3 space. We are forging a path toward a future where healthcare is accessible, secure, and tailored to the unique needs of every individual.




Hippocrat is a team that aims to build a global health data collection/utilization ecosystem.