[Mental Health/Anxiety] “Have you tried meditation” “Have you tried yoga” “You should exercise more” I’m sick of it

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2 min readJun 14, 2024

Question content

These suggestions are so unhelpful and make me wanna scream. I don’t need your average Joe, well-adjusted, functioning human ass advice. If your 2 cents don’t come with a Xanax, i don’t wanna hear it!

Response to Concerns

Frustration with Simplistic Advice

Story Summary:

Advice Overload: Being bombarded with well-meaning but overly simplistic advice like meditation, yoga, or more exercise as solutions to anxiety.
Desire for Understanding: A longing for genuine understanding and empathy rather than quick-fix suggestions that overlook the complexity of anxiety.
Dismissal of Easy Fixes: A rejection of these one-size-fits-all solutions, expressing frustration with the lack of nuanced understanding of anxiety’s challenges.

Cause Analysis:
This frustration arises from a common misunderstanding of anxiety as a condition that can be easily managed with lifestyle changes alone. While these activities can be beneficial, they may not address the root causes or full spectrum of anxiety for everyone. This oversimplification can feel dismissive to those who struggle with more severe or chronic forms of anxiety.

Present Countermeasures:

Setting Boundaries: Politely setting boundaries around the type of advice you’re open to receiving and emphasizing your preference for support over solutions.
Seeking Specialized Help: Investing time in finding a mental health professional who understands the complexities of your anxiety and can offer tailored strategies.
Self-Advocacy: Educating yourself and others about anxiety, advocating for a more comprehensive approach to mental health beyond generic advice.

Concluding Remarks:
While the intentions behind the advice may be good, it’s important to honor your own experiences with anxiety and advocate for what truly helps you. Your journey is unique, and finding what works for you is a personal process that goes beyond simple fixes. Continue to seek out support that recognizes the depth of your experience, and remember, your feelings and struggles are valid. 🌼

Important Notice: The insights and guidance offered here are generated with the assistance of a advanced medical artificial intelligence (Hippo) and should not be interpreted as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Hippo does not accept liability for any direct or indirect consequences arising from the application of information provided. For an accurate diagnosis and a comprehensive understanding of your health concerns, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anxiety/comments/11otrgy/have_you_tried_meditation_have_you_tried_yoga_you/




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