[Mental Health/Anxiety] How many of you clench your jaw at night or have tmj issues?

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2 min readJun 13, 2024

Question content

I have bad tmj issues due to anxiety causing me to clench my jaw at night. I’m curious what percent of people with anxiety also clench their jaw and have tmj. If you guys could just say yes or no if you have it or not just so I can get an idea of what percent of people with anxiety have tmj or not I’d appreciate it. Thanks and hope yall are doing well.

Response to Concerns

Jaw Clenching and TMJ Issues Linked to Anxiety

Story Summary:

Physical Manifestation: Experiencing significant TMJ issues and jaw clenching as a direct physical symptom of anxiety.
Seeking Commonality: Curiosity about the prevalence of TMJ issues among those with anxiety, indicating a search for shared experiences and understanding.

Community Inquiry: Requesting input from others to gauge how widespread this anxiety-induced symptom is, aiming to better understand the connection between mental and physical health.

Cause Analysis:
Anxiety can manifest in various physical symptoms, with jaw clenching and TMJ disorders being common among those who experience heightened stress or anxiety. This physical response can serve as both a symptom and a source of further anxiety, creating a feedback loop that exacerbates both the mental and physical discomfort.

Present Countermeasures:

Mindfulness and Relaxation: Implementing relaxation techniques specifically aimed at reducing muscle tension, such as guided imagery or progressive muscle relaxation, can be beneficial.
Physical Therapy: Consulting with a physical therapist or dentist who specializes in TMJ disorders can provide targeted exercises and interventions to alleviate symptoms.
Stress Management: Engaging in broader stress and anxiety management strategies to address the root cause of the symptom.

Concluding Remarks:
Understanding the link between your anxiety and physical symptoms like TMJ issues is crucial in addressing both aspects of your well-being. By exploring both medical and psychological interventions, you can find relief and develop a more holistic approach to managing your anxiety. Remember, the body and mind are deeply interconnected, and caring for one benefits the other. Keep seeking support and sharing your experiences; you’re not alone in navigating these challenges. 🌿

Important Notice: The insights and guidance offered here are generated with the assistance of a advanced medical artificial intelligence (Hippo) and should not be interpreted as professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Hippo does not accept liability for any direct or indirect consequences arising from the application of information provided. For an accurate diagnosis and a comprehensive understanding of your health concerns, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Anxiety/comments/16t65uw/how_many_of_you_clench_your_jaw_at_night_or_have/




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