AI Art/Voices/Writing/Music are Stolen From Humans: Without Us, It Would Be Useless.

Why are we rewarding the thieves instead of hiring a human?

Photo by RhondaK Native Florida Folk Artist on Unsplash

Creatives have often been exploited by their employers; underpaid, overworked, harassed, threatened, sexually assaulted, their mental and physical health a casualty of need to make things faster, cheaper and yet somehow, always better.

Creatives, being more empathetic than most and with passion to spare, soldiered on in spite of the increasingly hazardous environments. They did it to bring art, life, beauty and joy into the world for everyone to enjoy, at great costs to themselves.

But at least they got paid, usually, and got credit for their work.

But now? Now the corporations want to take even that meager benefit away, through blatant theft of our skills and provisions snuck in on contracts, they want to steal our art, our music, our words and our VERY VOICES from us to replace us. And they’re doing it under the guise of “Democratizing art! Increasing efficiency! Helping artists and writers ‘work through’ creative blocks!” When the actual reason is to save them money and make more profit.

There is no shortage of talent to fulfill any creative need on the planet, and there is no “barrier to entry” other than time to learn a skill. Starving artists are not gatekeeping anything, we’re too exhausted from creating entertainment for you.

There is nothing an AI can do creatively that a human cannot do. All the “creativity” AI has comes from us. It’s time we stand up and say “ENOUGH! WE WILL NOT LET YOU TAKE THIS FROM US!”

Hire a Human hopes to galvanize and educate both consumers and artists as to why we need to push back against AI replacing us.

Do you really want to live in a world where your favorite “artist” is a server farm?

Go To The Source, Hire A Human. We’ve given all of you centuries of entertainment and all we want is to get paid for it.

