2018 State of DevOps Report: DevOps Evolution Practical Guide

Simon Sugob
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2018

It has been a while since Puppet, the leader and advocate of the DevOps movement has launched its seventh annual State of DevOps Report — the deepest and most widely referenced body of DevOps research available.

If you haven’t made the shift to study it yet it is high time to do so. This 2018 edition prepared in cooperation with Splunk is a Must Read for Your Successful DevOps Evolution.

Download the 2018 State of DevOps Report

The main goal for the 2018 State of DevOps Report was to help companies to get started or unstuck providing them with pragmatic tips and a clear roadmap to success — says Alanna Brown, Director of Product Marketing at Puppet.

“DevOps evolution starts with simplification”.

What you’ll learn from the 2018 DevOps Report? You will definitely find here the answers to the below questions:

▶ What stage in DevOps evolution your company is?

▶ How to get to the next stage faster and more effectively?

▶ Which practices are the core ones to reach the highest levels of DevOps evolution?

The most important theme for Puppet has always been making the lives of sysadmins better. Only this approach enables companies to align their technology with their goals and missions and deliver better software faster — explains Alanna Brown.

“In a DevOps evolution, there are many paths to success, but even more that lead to failure”

I am impressed by the clarity and accuracy of the presented data as well as a comprehensive and complete approach to all presented aspects. This report might well be called the Best Guide to successful DevOps Evolution in Each Company.

“It’s all about sharing”.

What were the most exciting points I’ve found in the report? Definitely these two ones:

✅5 stages of DevOps evolution followed by Foundational practices to adopt

✅Practical suggestions for how to expand beyond Dev and Ops

Download the 2018 State of DevOps Report





original post: https://www.hiredevops.org/2018-state-of-devops-report-devops-evolution-practical-guide/



Simon Sugob

Senior DevOps @HireDevOps. Interested in #Kubernetes #AWS #IaC #Terraform #CDPipelines #DevSecOps #FaaS #CloudNative | hiredevops.org