Why Do You Need DevOps as a Service In Your Fast-Growing Startup And How It Works?

Simon Sugob
Published in
3 min readJan 11, 2019
DevOps as a Service


You are the CTO of a fast-growing startup, and there is a lot of work to deliver before an official product launch. Deadline is coming and investors are looking at your hands. Sooner or later you will realize that the hiring process is far too long and costs you a lot of time spent on unsuccessful meetings with “wanna-be DevOps” candidates. Finding Senior DevOps engineers in Berlin, Zurich or New York is very challenging. Having in-house DevOps is also very expensive. Salary of a good engineer starts at $194k [according to Glassdoor]. A lot?? Yes, it is a fortune.

What’s more, you are pretty sure that you do not need DevOps full time. You don’t have enough work to fulfill FTE [full-time employee]. You assume that having DevOps for 2 days per week would be enough. But, when you hire an employee you have to pay a salary every month. That’s how it works. Unfortunately, it’s not cost effective.

Ok, let’s assume that after months of searching, you finally have your engineer onboard. Are problems finished? Not exactly. Your engineer will be on the target of other hungry companies in your city, that are looking crazily for DevOps. You can lose your DevOps easily. Beware that they receive job offers almost every day. Linkedin announced that DevOps was the most recruited job in tech in 2018. There is a huge demand for those specialists.

Life of an entrepreneur is tough. Investors don’t care about that. It’s all on your shoulders. But it does not have to be like that anymore!

It is now possible to hire DevOps Engineer in a model “Skills as a Service”. Assigned Engineer will be working using Times & Material approach. It means that we will define two parameters in our contract:

  • TIME — which is the duration of the engagement
  • MATERIAL — which is the blend of who [Engineer] and a rate at which they will be working on your project

This is the simplest model when you have work done without all burden of hiring, assessing and paying monthly salary even if you need DevOps engineer only for a couple of days per month. We can make an initial estimation of the work to help you find out the amount of work needed.


Let us first explain the process:

That’s it… You have a new team member! Easy?

For more information contact us: https://www.hiredevops.org/contact/



Simon Sugob

Senior DevOps @HireDevOps. Interested in #Kubernetes #AWS #IaC #Terraform #CDPipelines #DevSecOps #FaaS #CloudNative | hiredevops.org