5 Interview Mistakes to Avoid

Many of us make mistakes during a job interview that we don’t even realize we are making. Here are five mistakes you should avoid to remain in the running for your dream job.

Florina Højbjerg Weisz
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2017


The big day is coming up. You made it through the recruiter’s screening call and you have scheduled an interview. That’s awesome!

Being the super-prepared person you are, you probably have done a lot of research and can’t wait to show this company that you are the right person for the job.

Finally, the change you longed for has arrived. You just need to nail this little obstacle in your way called ‘The job interview’. Easy peanuts, right?

Truth is, most of us make mistakes during a job interview that we don’t even realize we are making. Lauren Lantin at Themuse.com shared an article that states five mistakes you should avoid to remain in the running for your dream job.

#1 You don’t research yourself

You have done your research about the company, but have you been researching yourself? Do you know why you are there, or are you just dying for a change? Be honest with yourself and reflect on what’s important to you.

“Going to that meeting without a clear understanding of why you’re interested and why you’re the perfect person for the available role will not end well for you.” — Lauren Laitin

#2 You lose your mojo

Not making an impression, is making a bad impression. You need to feel enthusiastic and bring your energy to the conversation. Pep yourself before the interview and go in feeling optimistic.

Try to practice on someone close to you and have them give you feedback on your dialog. Are you fully engaged when discussing the company’s mission?

#3 You give a blah answer

Some questions are difficult to answer, especially if you let your emotions affect your answer. Try to think about concrete and strategic answers if you get cornered with a tricky question.

“Sometimes even with the best intentions, you can get stuck with a question about what you don’t like about your current position or company.” -Lauren Laitin

#4 You stare at the wall

There are a lot of tips on body language but the number one thing in connecting with people is eye contact. Stay focused to the person you are talking to and don’t get distracted by other people in the office, or the traffic outside on the street. The simple gesture of eye contact says “I’m listening to what you are saying.”

#5 You get too obsessive

It’s all about balance. Keep it real and show that you have true enthusiasm, as well as normal social behaviour. There is a thin line between genuine interest and obsessive adoration.

“Know what’s going on, know what the company is all about, but don’t go overboard.” -Lauren Laitin

Bonus tip — Talk to your recruiter

Got screened by a recruiter? If you did, it’s a good idea to talk to the person who found you in the first place. They chose you because they believe in you and want you to succeed. They could see you have what it takes to do the job and can give you valuable information.

Ask them about the company and what they think you should focus on regarding your previous job experience. Did they see a skill in you that is worth highlighting? What is your personal selling point for this particular job?

Any interview is a tricky process and we often walk away thinking about what we could have done or said differently. That’s totally normal.

Just remember to do your best and that you made it to the interview because you are a great candidate for the job.

Now good luck!


What are your best tips for a job interview? Share your stories in the comments below or give us a shoutout on twitter!

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Florina Højbjerg Weisz
Editor for

Just writing about life, networking, digital marketing, behavioral science (or whatever rings my bell)