In search of freedom

At the age of 40, Nicholai sold his home, quit his job and left his family and friends to start a new life. This is his story.

Florina Højbjerg Weisz
4 min readFeb 6, 2017


The question that haunted Nicholai Nielsen back home in Østerbro, Copenhagen, was: “Is this it, in life?”

He had everything set up for him. A pension plan, a decent job, a social life and a little, blue Suzuki Alto. Truth is, this question had also popped up seven years ago, after a difficult heartbreak left him wondering what life was all about.

This is his story about determination, courage and freedom — and about doing what many of us only dream of, but never do.

Back in 2014, at the age of 40, Nicholai sold his home, quit his job and left his family and friends in Scandinavia to fulfil his dream. He wanted to start a new life in Barcelona, Spain.

The need to make drastic changes came already back in 2007, but the financial crisis left him unable to sell his apartment. So, life went on as usual.

For seven years.

“Finally, in 2014, I told myself that if I was to make a change in my life, it had to be now,” says Nicholai.

Taking action

He managed to sell his apartment and decided to spend one month with his family in Sweden, explaining that we was about to leave everything and move to Spain.

He had no friends in Barcelona, no job and he didn’t speak a word Spanish. Never the less, the decision was made. He was going to throw himself at life.

“I found a group on Facebook for Swedish people in Barcelona and started to take part in the discussions. I came in contact with this cool guy called Christopher that offered me a room in his apartment,” says Nicholai.

He packed two suitcases and bought a one-way ticket to Barcelona. On the 1st of September 2014 on a sunny afternoon, Nicholai had landed at Barcelona el Prat Airport.

The Spanish reality

Finally in Barcelona, he spent the first 10 months socialising and living off the money he got from the apartment he had sold back home in Denmark. But after a while, he realised he had to earn money and got a full time job at a firm who needed Danish speaking manpower in Spain.

So far, so good.

Nicholai (right) and his brother at a football game in Barcelona

“After six months at the new job, the same question came back to haunt me. Is this it? Is this the reason I came here? I was back in the hamster wheel and I was unhappy,” said Nicholai about his new lifestyle.

Apparently, the dream Nicholai had about moving to Barcelona included something more than just nice weather. It was about the freedom of being able to manage his own time and live a flexible life.

“I had previous experience from the recruiting industry and decided to give it a try again. This time as a freelance recruiter. All I needed was a computer and good internet connection so that I could work from anywhere,” says Nicholai.

The start of a new career

Amongst other assignments for another recruiting firm, Nicholai now found himself getting news about open job positions on a weekly basis through HireXn. All he had to do, was to search for the right candidate, make sure they matched the position and hope the emploing companiy would hire his candidate. They called it crowd recruiting.

Now, he could manage his time just the way he wanted.

He got a small apartment with a sunny balcony in Plaza Catalonia where he could enjoy a glass of red wine and feel the sun on his face.

Things were starting to make sense, he had what he felt he came for. He felt freedom.

Nicholai’s balcony in Plaza Catalonia, Barcelona

Nicholai works from home or an office hotel in the center of the city where he can meet new people and network. Sometimes he works late, sometimes he spends a whole day at the beach with friends.

I had to ask Nicholai, was this it? Did he find what he was looking for? Was he settled and happy in Barcelona?

“I don’t know. Maybe. I can fit my most valuable things in two suitcases. I don’t have anything here that holds me back. I could pack everything down and move to Rome tomorrow,” he answered.

I can’t help but wonder where we really feel at home, what makes us settle down and root ourselves in life? Is it love? Is it freedom? Where in the world do we find it?

I guess the search for the “it” in life goes on, no matter where you go. At least, all you need is good internet.

And a sunny balcony!

Have you done drastic changes to you life? Share your story in the comments or give us a shoutout on twitter!

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Florina Højbjerg Weisz

Just writing about life, networking, digital marketing, behavioral science (or whatever rings my bell)