The Perils of Tacit Approval

Unveiling the Risks and Nurturing Transparent Feedback for Organizational Growth

Kristina Golovko
3 min readAug 16, 2023


In any organization, decisions play a pivotal role in shaping the company’s trajectory and success. When inefficient practices, unethical behaviors, or poor decisions are met with tacit approval, the consequences can be detrimental. Recent research highlights the far-reaching impact of turning a blind eye to such issues. This article investigates the risks associated with tacit approval and emphasizes the importance of fostering transparent feedback mechanisms for sustainable growth.

The Pitfalls of Tacit Approval

When an organization silently condones inefficient practices, ethical breaches, or other detrimental decisions, several risks can materialize, jeopardizing overall health and future prospects. Here are some key reasons why tacit approval is dangerous for any company.

Reinforcing negative behaviors
When individuals observe their superiors or peers escaping repercussions for inefficient or unethical actions, it subconsciously communicates that such behaviors are acceptable. This perpetuates a culture wherein individuals fail to recognize or address issues, leading to a decline in productivity, morale, and overall ethical standards.

Wastage of resources
Inefficient practices often go unnoticed when tacit approval becomes the norm. Consequently, time, money, and other resources are squandered, hindering productivity and potentially impacting profitability. Moreover, the perpetuation of such practices obstructs innovation and inhibits the pursuit of operational excellence.

Reputation and brand damage
Tacitly accepting unethical decisions or behaviors can severely tarnish an organization’s reputation and brand image. In today’s hyper-connected world, negative experiences or insights can spread rapidly, leading to public outcry, loss of customer trust, and decreased market value.

Photo by Ghenadie Cebanu on Unsplash

Building a Feedback-Focused Culture

To mitigate the risks associated with tacit approval and foster an environment of transparency and accountability, organizations should focus on developing robust feedback mechanisms. Here are some essential steps to achieve this.

Encourage open communication
Employers must actively promote a culture that values open dialogue, constructive criticism, and suggestions for improvement. Leaders should create platforms where employees feel empowered to speak up without fear of retribution. Open communication allows organizations to identify and rectify inefficiencies or unethical practices promptly.

Establish anonymous reporting channels
Implementing anonymous reporting channels, such as confidential hotlines or suggestion boxes, lets employees report concerns without fear of retaliation. This provides a safe avenue for whistleblowers to expose ethical lapses or other problematic issues, thereby encouraging transparency and accountability.

Lead by example
Leaders should embody and actively promote transparent and ethical behaviors. By demonstrating their commitment to acting in the best interest of the organization, leaders can inspire employees to follow suit. Modeling integrity and ethical decision-making sets the tone for the entire company.

Conduct regular audits and evaluations
Regular audits and evaluations help uncover inefficiencies, unethical practices, or other issues that may have gone unnoticed. These assessments provide opportunities for improvement and further nurture transparency by addressing concerns proactively.

Cultivate a learning-oriented environment
Encouraging continuous learning and professional development allows employees to stay updated on best practices, ethical guidelines, and industry standards. By consistently investing in employee growth, organizations create a workforce that is knowledgeable, adaptable, and capable of making informed decisions.

The tacit approval of inefficient, unethical, or poor decisions within organizations carries significant risks that can impact their long-term success. By recognizing and addressing these risks, companies can foster a culture of transparency, accountability, and innovation. Building robust feedback mechanisms and promoting open communication channels lays the foundation for identifying and resolving issues promptly. Ultimately, organizations that prioritize transparency will thrive, ensuring a future built on integrity, trust, and sustainable growth.

