Friends with the Target cashier

Amanda Winter
His Beautiful Mess
Published in
4 min readMar 21, 2014

What word has begun to transform how I live every day?

in·ten·tion·al: Done on purpose, deliberate

When I am in the line at the grocery store…
When I am at the doctor…
When I am getting my nails done…
When I am walking around my apartment complex…

I am trying hard to live each moment intentionally.

Really, all it is is just living with a purpose. Hence the Webster definition!

What is the purpose of my life? It is to tell as many people I can about Jesus Christ. I want people to see HIM in ME.

Once, you start living intentionally; it just becomes a habit. It is something you deliberately do.

Every time I stand in line at the grocery store, I intentionally look at the Cashier’s name tag, and when it is my turn to check-out I look the cashier in the eye and say Hi Sally, how are you?

How has your day been? Has it been busy? Are you ready to go home?

People want to be loved. They want to talk to you and be heard!

When I call the cashier by her/his name, I am intentionally trying to start a conversation.

I am intentionally trying to get their attention.
I am intentionally trying to help them see Christ in me.
I am intentionally trying to let them know someone cares about them.

I can’t tell you how many awesome conversations have been started by just saying Hi, Sally.

Quick Story:

I was in the check out line at Target one Friday night, and my cashier seemed stressed and overwhelmed. I began to ask her if she was having a tough day and she confided in me that saw was. She was new, and she did not like running the cash register. It stressed her out and made her anxious. (It was very busy that night).

I told her that I was so sorry and that I had been a cashier and could relate to how she felt. I tried to encourage her in the few seconds I had and told her before I left that I would be praying for her.

I don’t remember why, but I had to go back to Target that night. (I LOVE how the Lord works. He DOES nothing by accident)!

I saw her in the check-out line, and the Holy Spirit whispered, “Go over, and talk to her.” So, I simply walked over to her line and touched her on the back to get her attention.

I asked her if her night had gotten better.

She gave me this weird look… like… “Why would you care..?”

Then she replied with some relief in her voice that the night had gotten better.
Fast-forward 2 or 3 weeks later.

I was at Target again-Crazy huh?

I was in the customer service line returning an item.

I said hello and started to explain my reason for returning the item.

When I looked up, the Cashier looked at me and said “You don’t remember me I do you?”

I looked at her again and realized she had changed her hair and it hit me, “Yes, I do remember you! You were having a hard time at the cash register a few weeks ago?”

She looked at me and smiled and said, “YES that was me.”

She went on to tell me that Target moved her to Customer Service and that she liked her job here much better. It was slower paced, and she felt like she could keep her head above water.

Because I intentionally took 60 seconds out of my time to ask if she was ok, she now knows my name. I know her name!

She remembers me, and now I have a relationship with this sweet women. HOW EXCITING!

When I part ways with the cashier, I always say, “Have a Blessed day!”

Most people will say “Have a good day” or “Hope you have a good weekend.” I intentionally say “Have a Blessed day” for a reason. The word blessed grabs peoples attention. I want them to be blessed by the Lord.

I want them to know that it is Jesus that wants their attention. Even if my cashier happens to be particularly crabby that day, they always tend to give me a smile when I say “Have a blessed day.” And without fail with meaning behind their voice they say “You too!”

Most of the time you aren’t going to be able to share the whole gospel of Jesus Christ while checking out. Sometimes, the Lord will give you that opportunity, but most of the time it will be a quick hello and goodbye. But, it doesn’t have to be a wasted hello and goodbye. When you live intentionally, people will remember you.

There are cashiers at Target that know me by name. (My husband will say they know me by name because I am there every day. Haha..Well ok..that might be one of the reasons they know by name!)

But, I hope they also know it because they remember…oh, that’s Amanda.

She calls mine by name. She talks to me. She invests time in me. There is something different about her.

AH! That is exactly what I am trying to do. I am intentionally trying to show the cashier through all the hellos and conversations who Christ is. I want to show them that he loves them. I want them to know they were made in His image.

I want them to know He died for them.

I will only ever be able to explain these things to them if I live intentionally. I have to live with a purpose.



Amanda Winter
His Beautiful Mess

Christ Follower. Wife of @jcwinter. Homemaker. Lover of People. Mentor. Lyme Disease Warrior.