Making Monday matter

Amanda Winter
His Beautiful Mess
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2014

Hellllooooooooo FRIENDS!

So, I know it is Tuesday, and I am writing a blog about Monday. Funny huh? Ya, I didn’t get this blog post out yesterday. I am late. I tend to run late as all of my dear, sweet, and patient friends know. I blame it on the fact that I married a man with the last name Winter. W is towards the end of the alphabet, and so that is my excuse for being late. If my last name was Apple, I figure I would be at least 15 minutes early to everything.

I have a new motto for Monday’s:


Isn’t that catchy, cool, and creative? Yep, I thought so too!

I want to make everyday matter. I want to make the most of every single minute that the Lord gives me. I want to honor him in those minutes that lead to hours, days, months, years. I want to be faithful to the time He has given me.

Life happens one day at a time. Serving God and making an impact happens one day at a time.

Let’s start on Monday. We already know what the motto for Monday is: MAKE MONDAY MATTER!

Monday’s aren’t usually people’s favorite day of the weak. In fact, I am pretty sure that Monday is the most hated day of the week. But, we can change our thinking and attitude towards Mondays, my friends!

Here it is: Wake up, fix your eyes on Jesus and not on yourself, lay all your responsibilities and “worries” that are swarming around in your head about the week at His feet before YOUR feet ever hit the ground.

Spend time in fellowship with Him and then say out loud three short words, MAKE MONDAY MATTER.

1. Bring coffee to your co-workers.

2. Bring flowers to someone — “just because”

3. Listen to understand. Tune in to the people around you. Be attentive. Listen. Sometimes all people need is someone to listen and just BE THERE.

4. Write an encouraging note to someone. It can take five words or 2 pages.

5. Make someone laugh.

6. Take everything in from the smell of the spring flowers to the sunshine in the morning, to the sweet chirps of birds, to the wind in your hair, to the sun as it goes down, to the moon as it comes out.

7. Love on people. People matter. Love them with your words, actions, thoughts, and attitude. Do something out of the ordinary for someone.

8. Take joy in the seemingly small things like the flame of a candle, laughs of your children, sweet talks with your spouse, the scent of coffee, the smell of a new book. I’m weird; I smell my books, you don’t? The small things add up to be the big things in the end.

9. Call a friend that you haven’t talked to in awhile and tell them how much you love them and how much they mean to you!

10. Bake cookies and take them to your neighbor.

These are just ten simple and quick ways to make Monday Matter.

The only reason any day can “matter” is because of Jesus Christ and the price he paid on the cross for us. He died in our place. He died for our sins. Because of this glorious truth, we can have a personal relationship with one true God. Knowing Christ and living for Him is what should drive you to make everyday matter.

Take joy my friends. Make Monday Matter and Friday will come quicker!



Amanda Winter
His Beautiful Mess

Christ Follower. Wife of @jcwinter. Homemaker. Lover of People. Mentor. Lyme Disease Warrior.