Pray for people you have deleted or blocked on Facebook?

Amanda Winter
His Beautiful Mess
Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2013

I have been discovering the simple treasures that Bible Gateway has to offer.

I have always loved being able to look up verses to memorize and pull verses up that I need for something but can’t exactly recollect the exact words of the verse. And my all-time favorite is being able to listen to the audio bible.

I can pick any chapter of the bible I want and listen to it for hours if I want to!

For the past several weeks I have been studying the book of James, and frequently I will just sit and listen to it to help me memorize and internalize what the Lord is teaching me through the book.

In fact, sometimes when I can’t sleep I will just turn on the audio bible and start at Romans and then wake up in Revelation. (Don’t “they” say if you listen to information in your sleep it will help you recall and store that information in your brain?)

Anyway, outside of the treasures, I have already told you about, I stumbled upon some hidden treasures over the last few weeks.

For instance, on the website, they have a “verse of the day” to reflect on. They also have a link to their blog which they post new truth filled blog posts every day. They also have a section for “Did you know facts?” (How awesome is that)! I love learning new random facts about theologians and people alike.

Now getting around to the reason I wanted to write this post. I recently read an article on their blog written about Dietrich Bonhoeffer about intercessory prayer specifically about praying for our enemies and people that we don’t see eye to eye with.

I will never forget a lesson my sweet Mema told me about this issue while I was growing up. I would confide in her (many times in tears) about the people who hurt me or someone I couldn’t get along with.

She would always tell me,

“Amanda, pray hard for these people. You can’t be mad at someone who you are praying for daily, and God will steadily change your heart towards this people.”

What a wise woman of God she is!

Here is just a little sneak peak of what you will read in the blog post.

“No discussion of Christianity is complete without considering the power and importance of prayer. It’s thus entirely appropriate that in his writing, the famous pastor (and martyr) Dietrich Bonhoeffer devoted a significant amount of attention to the role that prayer plays in a Christian’s everyday life. Here’s an excerpt from his devotional writing discussing the importance of intercessory prayer” that is, prayer requests that ask God to help other people.”

Matthew 5:44–45 says, “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.”

Love you all! And pray this post finds you well!



Amanda Winter
His Beautiful Mess

Christ Follower. Wife of @jcwinter. Homemaker. Lover of People. Mentor. Lyme Disease Warrior.