Meeting Insta friends offline isn’t supposed to be scary

Amanda Winter
His Beautiful Mess
Published in
2 min readMay 21, 2014

Tonight one of my sweet, godly and inspiring friends scheduled a “meet up” with some girls that follow her Internet business online.

She wanted to be intentional about how she lived her life. She wanted to have a real community on and off the internet. She wanted to get to know these girls on a personal level. On face to face basis that went beyond the occasional chats on Instagram.

She wanted to love these women, hear their stories, what they were passionate about and what areas they needed help growing in.
How awesome!!! She wanted to be intentional. She wanted to make a difference in these girls lives and learn from them along the way.

This was not an easy thing to do.

She had never met these women face to face. She didn’t know how the meeting would go, but she pressed on!

At times she wanted to back out, but she intentionally pressed on and kept the time for the meeting.

It turned out to be a lovely night. We got to meet five new friends. Man, I love making new friends! None of us had done anything like this before. Attending a “meet up” with people that we did not know outside of the blogging/internet/business world.

It was a beautiful time filled with ice cream, laughs, sharing life stories, sharing passions, sharing hard topics in their lives, and advice and encouragement to one another. It was such a BLESSING!

If my friend had decided to cancel the “meet up” then we would not have met five amazing women who love the Lord and want to bless others with their lives, talents, and gifts. We would have all missed out needed encouragement and the beginning of sweet friendships.

But, she didn’t cancel. She intentionally decided not to cancel the meet up. And because she did we were all so blessed.

Be intentional. Don’t back down.

Intentionally love people and organize events and “meet-ups” to get to know people better or just spend time with sweet friends who you already know. Encourage them. Push back against the “uncomfortableness” and be intentional in how you go about your days and interact with people. Get out of your comfort zone.

If you don’t, you will miss out on some amazing opportunities to be blessed and bless other people.

The Moral of the story is-In case you didn’t hear me say it enough, BE INTENTIONAL!

That’s all for now. I love all of you.



Amanda Winter
His Beautiful Mess

Christ Follower. Wife of @jcwinter. Homemaker. Lover of People. Mentor. Lyme Disease Warrior.