What kind of man would do this?

Amanda Winter
His Beautiful Mess
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2011

I know in my last blog post I said that in my subsequent blog posts that I would be talking about what the Lord has been doing in the last five months -starting in the beginning and leading up to present day.

But the Lord has laid it on my heart to tell the world about my beloved and sweet husband and all the He has done for me in the last five months.

I am a blessed woman.

Today as I was in a lot of pain and feeling down, I wiped back the tears and thought to myself, “Wow, I have such an incredible husband who is so patient and loving to me. Only a special man could handle a trial like this so gracefully.”

From the beginning when I first started to get sick Justin was there loving on me and doing anything he could to serve me.

At that point, neither of us knew what was going on, we just knew that I was sick.

From day one he has been my shoulder to cry on. At times I would be so ill that I would barely be able to get out of bed to the point that Justin would have to help me sit up. He would bend his tired knees down in front of me and just hold me as I sobbed until his shirt soaked with my tears.

His patience has astounded me and has given me peace and comfort. Justin is not a hot-tempered man. He is not easily angered, and he is not an anxious man.

The Lord knew before time that I would go through this trial and the Lord’s hand crafted Justin for me.

There were days throughout this five-month process that I was so scared, and Justin would come home wrap me in his arms and just hold me. Sometimes he would cry with me. But he was always strong and always pointing me to Christ for my ultimate comfort and solace.

I truly do think that many men would have crumbled under all the pressure Justin has had to endure over the last five months.

He had had to schedule doctor’s visit when I couldn’t even open my mouth or talk (when I was having extreme bouts of TMJ.)

For every specialist, we saw he would sit with me and give me words of hope after each would say, “I just don’t know.”

He has walked through this trial with me, hurt along with me, and cried out to the Lord for help for me. The Lord has been teaching us both that only the Lord has ALL authority over all heaven and earth. He is our only hope and our salvation. God is in complete control of this trial, not us.

Justin has had to carry the burden financially as our medical bills piled up from test after test and seeing specialist after specialist. He has taken care of all of that for me and has been so gracious about it. All the while he never worried about it because he knew the Lord would provide for us.

Justin has been my advocate. He was the only one who lived day by day with me and truly saw how sick I was, day in and day out.

He got up with me on the nights where the pain was so bad that I would take two Vicodin’s and still be in extreme pain.

He would just sit on the couch with me and hold me and he would hold my head in place so that it would not bob back and forth when I finally would fell asleep.

We all know how this feels especially during long trips in the car where you are so tired your head just doesn’t know what to do.

What kind of man does that?

The kind of man that is humble, gentle, and a man who loves the lord with all of His heart. A man who is truly committed to the Lord and to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Words can’t express how thankful I am for you, Justin Christopher. You are my best friend and a sweet gift from the Lord.

I will leave you with the song that Justin’s sister sang at our wedding. How sweet it was to our hearts then and now how incredibly true and sweet it is to our hearts now. I cried when I just listened to it.

One line from the song says:

Tomorrow morning if you wake up and the future is unclear…I will be here.

Here is the video. Please take the time to listen to it. It explains perfectly the season we are going through.



Amanda Winter
His Beautiful Mess

Christ Follower. Wife of @jcwinter. Homemaker. Lover of People. Mentor. Lyme Disease Warrior.