A Sense of Control: Entrepreneurship

Ela Kopmaz
HisarCS IdeaLab
2 min readJan 29, 2021


Stuck in the middle of the most crucial global health calamity of the century, the world faced sudden changes. Changes that took away our loved ones from us and new rules that destroyed our normal routines and created new ones for us to follow. A year of major historical events and unfortunate news brought many uncertainties with itself. The world with all these challenges turned our lives into a puppet show where we were the puppets and a chain of events outside of our control was the marionette that held the power to rule us. We started to feel small, inferior and helpless like we had no power, like we were drifting away in a stream. After a while we started to long for the power that was taken from our hands and began to seek a place where we can be the marionette rather than the puppets. There is no better way to give us a sense of control than turning to creating, right?

As the new generation facing all these challenges and feeling completely disoriented we also felt like we were drifting away in a stream. Our daily routines were completely transformed, our education life was radically reshaped and we were fighting for a future that we didn’t have a clue what it looked like. During this time to have a sense of power and certainty we become refugees for creativity. The thought of coming up with innovative ideas that would have a meaning and impact was how we dealt with the never changing world. After a long summer of learning, experiencing, creating and studying we knew that it was time for us to start a new chapter that would make us feel like the marionettes rather than the puppets. Just like that as two girls we started our entrepreneurship club in the beginning of the school term. This club was more than only about making business plans, teaching entrepreneurship or understanding creating a business. It was a club that we lead with love and ambition, knowing the importance of how innovating made us feel empowered and important while also nurturing personal growth, tapping into unrealized talents and knowing that we might have a chance to make a difference.

Ela Kopmaz & Duru Polat



Ela Kopmaz
HisarCS IdeaLab

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.