Auguste Comte — Part I

An account of the life and contributions of the father of Sociology.

Manas Kala


(Auguste Comte : Photo by The School of Life)

Auguste Comte is literally the father of Sociology for he coined its very name.

Prevailing Socio-Economic Conditions

Sociology emerged due to the problems created by modernity. These problems were most glaring in France. French society was the most disturbed society of the time. Thus sociology was born in France..

In the French revolution of 1789 the feudal monarchical system was overthrown. A violent revolution was followed by the reign of terror by Maximilien Robespierre(who was himself was eventually killed). The King was also beheaded. A collective leadership called the Directorate emerged.

Next, Napoleon Bonaparte organised a coup and captured power in France. He embarked upon a military conquest of Europe, overthrew monarchies and captured power. He was finally defeated in 1850.

Monarchy was restored, but there were Revolutions again in 1830 and 1848 which challenged the Monarchy. After the revolution of 1848, another Democratic government was formed called The Second Republic. But the republic was weak and unstable and the head of the government, Napoleon III, declared himself the Emperor.



Manas Kala

Researcher • ✍Writes about — Japan, Tech, Success, Startups, & Society • Often shares unpopular thoughts 📖