J.G. Dufray
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2023
Chief Art Operator @ The Historiotheque. A.G. ©. 2023. All Rights Reserved.

You have to know when it’s time to shut down an Art Operation. You can’t be working all the time, and you can’t stay in a state of creative work for too long. If you stay too long in an active Art Operation, doing highly creative work, your mind will slowly dis-aggregate, disintegrate, and levels of disorder and disorganization will set in that might be cause for much, much grief and pain. To avoid living in a complete, disorganized mess, after working in The Historiotheque for a while, you just shut it down. You literally shut down THE WHOLE OPERATION! I explain.

The Art Operation in The Historiotheque, I realized, is now at version 4.0 (“ArtOps 4.0”). I just had the Historiotheque’s Official Release v.3.0.2 on March 5th, 2023, a mere 7 days ago, exactly one week. In one week’s time, of an active, running art studio and the Art Operation it houses, I was so supremely prolific that I immediately had to shut it down. Levels of disorder and disorganization in the Workspace were peaking at levels that were just unsustainable, and if I continued doing any more creative work, I would begin to lose sleep over it, and it could affect my mental, physical, and spiritual health. So v.3.0.3 of The Historiotheque is in standby for now.

In other words, you have to learn to be able to scale UP and then scale DOWN an active Creative Work-System. I call it what to me is always a funny expression, but it’s what I always called it, the process is called “BABEL UP / BABEL DOWN”. You essentially build up the Tower of Babel, then, like God does in the Biblical story, you tear it down, you destroy it, scattering bits & pieces across every corner of the world.

I think we will be doing an Official Release v.4.0.1 of The Historiotheque in the near future. It shouldn’t be that long. We just have to publish all the works and all the documentation of the work practices. Remember, we are talking about the changes in the 3D surface of a Workspace-Over-Time, or what I call delta-workspace, or Δ-workspace, also ΔW, alse h(t), a “historiotopic function” h of t. (For more on the subject, see: Historiotopia.)

That’s it for now, I just wanted to announce the shutting down of all productive operations, for an undetermined amount of time. It could be a few days, a few weeks, months, years.. The last time I shut it down, I took a sabbatical for about 6 years, just to give you an idea. The rigorous, comprehensive, ambient, experimental design workflow management methodology is like Clockwork. It is THAT efficient and productive!

I look forward to seeing you on that other side. In the meantime, enjoy some of my other writings on my Personal Page. This is my work-page, specifically for The Historiotheque.


Chief Art Operator
A.G. © 2023. All Rights Reserved.



J.G. Dufray

ἵστωρ (hístōr, “witness”) +‎ θήκη (thḗkē, “box, chest”).