The Preliminary Launching of The Historiotheque Semantic Version 3.0.5. (After a Fallow Period)

J.G. Dufray
Published in
5 min readMay 1, 2024

Relaunching The Historiotheque After Another “Winter of The Soul”: Rekindling The Sacred Flame.

“WINTER OF THE SOUL: REKINDLING THAT SACRED FLAME”. Digital design by A.G. © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

As I’ve always said, my art studio/research lab/sound design laboratory needs to be “relaunched” during a highly creative and productive phase and then just as quickly, it needs to be “shut down”. The previous version of The Historiotheque — which houses my Art Operation (v.5.0) — closed down near the end of November, 2023. After an intense flurry of artistic activity and research, I shut down the whole “operation” and then, as predicted in my previous report on The Historiotheque semantic version 3.0.4., I went into a “fallow period” of rest and “idleness”. (SEE PREVIOUS: Relaunch and Subsequent Closing Down of The Historiotheque Semantic Version 3.0.4.)

My “fallow period” of “wintering” — which I’ve come to call a “Winter of The Soul”—more on that at a later date — was a truly spectacular experience, though it didn’t feel like it at the time. Now I am fully back up and running and giving my latest “Official Release of The Historiotheque”. I feel revitalized, reenergized, and revigorated. (The Spring and Summer “Seasons of The Heart”, I predict, shall prove to be extremely productive and fruitful. A bounty awaits us all! Rejoice!)

As I’ve also often said, elsewhere, is that every year for nearly the last 10 years, I’ve produced what I call an “Official Declaration of Production-Year” (followed by a two-year period which is always one year in advance). Usually, my Official Declaration comes out in the Autumn of each new year, covering the following years, but last year, in anno domini 2023, I jumped the gun and produced it in the middle of March of that year (SEE: Official Declaration of Production-Year 2024–2025). Then, in a heroic feat of great dimensions and magnitude, I came out with the Official Declaration covering the 2025–2026 period, a full year in advance, in the end of August again of the same year (SEE: Official Declaration of Production-Year 2025–2026). This was an entirely unheard of and unprecedented event in my art practice, as yet unseen.

As I mentioned in my previous Official Release of The Historiotheque Semantic Version 3.0.4., I was working on a new “angle” on my interdisciplinary art-research practice that I called “DISMANTLING THE ARCHIVE”. Now, with the new launch of the current semantic version of The Historiotheque studio/laboratories, I’m going in many new directions which again I think will prove profoundly bountiful. Many great pleasures await me.

The thing is, and once last time, as I’ve always said, to achieve a truly sustainable, mature art-research practice, one needs to learn how to carefully “throttle” one’s level of activity/productivity. If one produces too much and for too long, one will surely burn-out. That’s kind of what happened up until end of November of last year, 2023. I was so incredibly prolific and evidently not sleeping much that I was forced into a winter “hibernation”, or what I am calling a “fallow period” of “idleness”.

In any case, now the studio is back up and running and only the history-books will be able to tell what became of the artist known as A.G., an interdisciplinary artist-research of 30 years, stationed in the Greater Montreal Region in the province of Quebec, in Canada.

Now, I will continue to work on my official website for The Historiotheque, as well as starting a host of new projects with new, underlying, and unique, complex conceptual systems. I will also continue working on my Creative Work-System called ALX, which is a “rigorous design workflow management methodology”. Other projects include, the systematic documentation of Database Arts, The Refcards-Project, The Stacks-Project, The New Documentation, The AntiOS Concept, The Project-Based Serial Method, The Switchboard Method of Project-Based, Serial Art Production, The Art-Ops-In-A-Box Concept, one on Noise in The Workspace, another on Foundation Models, one on Interdisciplinary Art-Research, another on Cultural Software, one on The Seasons of The Heart Liturgical Song-Cycle, and finally, amongst countless other series of documents, one on Workspace Management.

I must leave it at this for now, but I will certainly come back soon with proper updates. There is a lot on my drawing-board having to do with a wide range of subjects, topics, concepts, and their respective projects. I hope you are well. Thank you for indulging me by reading the above.


Chief Art Operator
A.G. © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: May 3rd, 2024 / 15h54

  • This was the most prolific period of my life. I know I keep saying that year after year, but it’s true. I don’t know how I did it. I was juggling like 36 different projects, in continuous delivery, publishing all my documentation, publishing works across three different disciplines in 10 separate places on the web;
  • I read through more books in 4–5 days than I’ve ever read in that amount of time; ChatGPT is partly to blame, or I guess I should be thanking my lucky stars I’ve got ChatGPT to help me in my experimental research, using that tool;
  • The thing is, though, as is almost always the case, I start up too fast, I jump the gun and start too fast, get too far ahead of myself, and as quickly as I started a new period of high productivity, artistic creation, and experimental research, as I said, I have to SHUT DOWN THE WHOLE OPERATION; what happened is that I started losing too much sleep and rapidly reached a Critical State and had to shut down the operation because it was wholly Non-Sustainable; and as I keep stating over and over again, too high a level of creativity/productivity for too long can be and is too often very dangerous; this time, I did so much so quickly, it stopped before I even got a chance to even get started!;
  • I am officially going on HIATUS until further notice; I may add another IMPORTANT UPDATE at some point in the near future, where I can lay out all that I accomplished in such little time; it’s really incredible, I keep surprising myself every time;
  • I think that the next version of The Historiotheque will be Semantic Version 4.0.1., because I think that I’ve made sufficient changes that a fully new version can be given an Official Release;
  • Once again, thanks for being there; it makes all the difference. Later! :)

A.G. © 2024. All Rights Reserved.



J.G. Dufray

ἵστωρ (hístōr, “witness”) +‎ θήκη (thḗkē, “box, chest”).