Charles Martel, A forgotten Hero

Fawas Saliu
History Fanatics
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2021

Charles Martel the legendary hero who defended Christianity from the invading Umayyad caliphate.

Martel with the ax at the battle of tours

Fight for the Title

Charles Martel was born in 686 and was an illegitimate son of Pepin of Herstal who ruled in the stead of the Merovingian kings. His father’s role was like that of a prime minister. Pepin had another son (Grimoald) who was his legitimate heir however he was assassinated. His mother persuaded Pepin to make his grandson Theudoald (Grimoald’son) the next mayor.

This infuriated the nobles because Theuadoald was only eight years old and Charles was a better choice. Making him a threat to Theudoald so he was sent to jail. Which only led to a rebellion and eventually gave Charles the chance to escape.

After escaping jail, he was acknowledged as the new mayor and fought Theudoald for the control of the Frankish realm. He soon won a major victory and was officially made the mayor.

Staunch Defender!

Charles, after solidifying his control on the Frankish territory, repelled invasions from the Saxons. He also defended Western Europe from invading Muslim armies, who sought to crush Christianity's influence in Europe.

The Umayyad empire growth was a massive threat and their presence was becoming more of a problem. An army led by Al-Rahman invaded Aquitaine which was a part of the Frankish Kingdom. Charles soon led an army to face the Muslims, defeating them and killing Al-Rahman. This was known as the battle of tours, a historical event that saved Europe from Islamic control.

Even though more Islamic invasions continued to happen, this battle made Charles a hero. He was feared, respected, and was able to raise armies with other powers in Europe to stop invading Islamic armies.

Military Genius

Charles was a genius at war, the only battle he has ever lost was when he fought for the title of mayor. His wars with Saxons made him a veteran. he was able to understand what worked and doesn’t. He is also credited for creating the first unit of knights in Europe. Something his grandson Charlemagne would turn into a masterpiece.

His army was the finest and most disciplined in the entire of Europe. His reputation could easily inspire his men and he was feared by his enemies. Who named him martel (meaning the hammer). His victories made him the most powerful man in Europe. His presence probably stopped a lot of invasions from happening.

Great Mayor

Charles was so powerful he could choose whether there was a need for a king. His son Pepin would end up deposing the last of the Merovingians, setting the foundations for the creation of the Holy Roman Empire. Charles's fame would be overshadowed by his grandson Charlemagne. Many may have forgotten him but if it weren’t for Charles, Europe would have fallen to the Muslims.

Thanks for reading my short article on Charles Martel. The link below will take you to the article about his grandson Charlemagne.

