History Is Philosophy In Action (HIPIA)

A new publication on history, philosophy, and all things in between

Erik Brown
History Is Philosophy In Action (HIPIA)


Herodotus, 2nd Century AD — Metropolitan Museum of Art Via Wikimedia Commons, Modified By Author

Welcome to our new history publication. “New” and “history” sounds like an oxymoron, but it’s farthest from the truth. The fruit of history sits all around you. And this brings me to the announcement of our new publication History is Philosophy in Action (HIPIA).

Hopefully, we’ll give you something a bit different than you’re used to. This will be a mixture of history and philosophy, with everything that comes between. It all starts with the man staring at you — Herodotus.

Herodotus is the ultimate wanderer and wonderer according to Edith Hamilton in her book The Greek Way. She explains he set forth to travel as far as humanly possible in his time (in the fifth century BC). She calls him “the first sight-seer in the world.” He also did it happily.

Hamilton says the word “history” means investigation in Greek. And that’s what Herodotus did.

Upon his journey, he took note of everything he saw and the stories of people he encountered, leaving himself out. Inadvertently, he created what we’d later call “history.” You can call him our founding CEO.

It’s why I picked Herodotus’ bust as the symbol of this publication. History is traveling. While…

