Break Bread for Brave Conversations

Knead some new traditions for the 4th of July? We have some ingredients to help you bake a better celebration!

Made By Us
(History) Made By Us
4 min readJun 29, 2023


Challah Back Girls featured a flash flavor sale for July 4th — and each package came with Recipe for Conversation Cards from The Family Dinner Project! Follow these two orgs for tasty content all year round!
What are your serving up this 4th of July?

This guide was compiled by Challah Back Girls, The Family Dinner Project and Made By Us

As we come to the end of Civic Season this year, we know that the Fourth of July can bring up lots of conflicting feelings. For the recent immigrant, the brass band and flag waving may symbolize pride in their new nation. For the descendants of enslaved people, it might be a sharp reminder that “all men are created equal” did not include their ancestors.

How and what we celebrate says a lot about who we are, and what we value. This year we spoke with our friends at The Family Dinner Project and Challah Back Girls about Civic Season and creating new traditions— ones that reflect our values, our complicated history, and our hopes for the future. We all agreed, conversations are a key part of any meaningful holiday.

No matter how you will be spending the Independence Day weekend, we have some resources to help you have thoughtful, fruitful conversations with family and friends.

Need a dish for the annual family cookout?

Try Recipe Cards for Civic Conversation from The Family Dinner Project

One way families can connect with the past and mark the Civic Season together begins with talking about historical events and concepts related to the celebration. The Recipe for Conversation Cards collection for Civic Season includes Juneteenth and the Fourth of July, as well as the Bill of Rights, Civil Rights and Service to Others.

For extra spice: Have everyone take the Civic Superpower Quiz to find out if they are an Amplifier, Connector, Defender or Nurturer!

Looking for a light bite for fireworks with friends?

Bring the Provocation Cards from Civics Unplugged

Having a quick meet up with friends? The Provocation Deck is the perfect way to start provoking and stimulating conversations about ourselves, our communities, and our democracy. Use these cards to ask questions and discover opportunities to explore new possibilities during the 4th of July!

For extra spice: Fill in the “I Stand For” poster generator and share how you are making a difference!

Want a full menu for a fancy dinner party?

Serve up a Feast of Reason with Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello

The Feast of Reason card deck helps you navigate the strong opinions many of us hold about “civic issues” so that breaking bread together can bring us closer. We have created a guide to hosting your own Feast of Reason — plus you can listen in to a convo with our “Democracy Vibe Check: A Civic Season Podcast” episode #FEASTMODE.

For extra spice: Explore the art of changemaking by creating your own Civic Season Zine — or contribute to our Civic Season Digital Zine.

Need something to really chew on during your summer road trip?

Open up with conversation guides from Living Room Conversations

Are you craving connection? Use the conversation guides from Living Room Conversations, a simple but and structured way to practice communicating across differences while building understanding and relationships. Check out America We Want to Be: Founding Aspirations and History & Society to get started!

For extra spice: Test your historic knowledge with our Historic Roadtrip Trivia in The Story of You guidebook.

Challah Back Girls™ (CBG) is baking the world a better place. CBG collaborates, supports, and amplifies the voices of organizations leading social and racial equity work by connecting people to the Jewish ritual of challah — a traditionally braided bread. Through sharing this Jewish tradition, CBG provides an educational (and delicious!) opportunity for healing and transforming injustices.

The Family Dinner Project is dedicated to food, fun, and conversations that matter. A nonprofit program of Massachusetts General Hospital Psychiatry Academy, they work both online and in communities to help families connect and experience the social, emotional, and physical benefits of shared meals.

Share your 4th of July traditions with us on social by tagging @historymadebyus!

