The Pied Piper Was Real: 130 Children Disappeared and Never Came Back

It took over 700 years to figure out what happened to them

Linda Caroll
History, Mystery & More


Pied Piper of Hamelin Collage Created By Author: Photos from Wikipedia

HHamelin is a charming and picturesque little town. Even today, the town is all 16th Century manors with Gothic gables and elaborate scrollwork. Quaint buildings in the flamboyant Weser-Renaissance style, with gargoyles and painted wooded sculptures that look like children’s toys.

The town looks like something out of a fairy tale, but what happened there was no fairy tale. It was more of a nightmare, with no happily ever after for the people who lived it. At least, not for the parents.

Just as Americans will never forget the day the twin towers fell, people in Hamelin never forgot what happened that June day, so long ago.

Photos of modern day Hamelin // source

Here’s the story you probably know…

The story that goes back to the Medieval era all started with the rats. There was no sanitation in 1284, and the rats were so bad they terrorized the town. They were everywhere.

People were at wit’s end. Rats in the food. Rats in the pantry, rats chewing their…

