Prince Eddy, the Under-educated, Lethargic, ADHD, Definitely Not Jack the Ripper, Almost King

History of England from 1800-Present
12 min readFeb 21, 2021


Eddy the Doe Eyed


One of the strangest and most enigmatic ancestors of the current royal family is the perennially fascinating Price Eddy. This royal specimen was strange enough on his own to bring his parents to despair, however he was also at one point suspected to be a possible c3andidate for Jack the Ripper (there is absolutely no hard evidence to support this however). He was also basically uneducable, known to frequent brothels wherever he went (to be fair his father was not stranger to bawdy houses), and to be extremely close to a scandal involving Victorian “rent boys”.

The Queen and Eddy

Eddy was the eldest son of the eldest son of Queen Victoria, who was called Bertie in the family, and his beautiful but possibly empty-headed wife, the former princess of Denmark, Alexandria. Alexandria was known for her incredibly tiny waist, which she achieved by rigorous corseting, a habit that was not compatible with pregnancy, and which probably played a part in all of her children being born prematurely. Eddy himself was said to come two months early, after his mother insisted on going ice skating.



History of England from 1800-Present

Historically Curious, Queer, Aging, Anglophile, World traveler, lifetime researcher with a sarcastic bent