Seeking Creative Storytellers For History Of Women

Updated March 18, 2024

Linda Caroll
History of Women


New writers are welcome. We love finding new writers that “get” our publication. Please note — we are looking for writers who love this topic and are willing to contribute regularly. We are not looking for “one-time” writers who submit once and disappear.

We are part of Medium’s Boost Beta Program…

History Of Women is part of Medium’s Boost Beta program and can nominate our writer’s stories for a boost. Please read this page carefully to understand what we are looking for and how to join us. :)

We love our readers and they love us!

History of Women is a tiny publication but it gets a lot of reads. Our stories have collectively enjoyed almost 100K views in 2024 so far. And we’re trending UP.

screencap by author

Think more “riffing off history” than “history essay”

We have the word history in our name but we are not looking to be a history manual, Wikipedia or Two very important reasons…

