No, Marilyn Monroe Didn’t Have An Abortion (Or A Threesome)

The abortion scene makes me angry and not for the same reason pro-lifers are angry…

Linda Caroll
History of Women


Marilyn Monroe ballerina poster from Etsy

If you watched Blonde, the new Netflix “biopic” on Marilyn Monroe, you might think she had a threesome with Charlie Chaplin, Jr. and his friend.

Not once. Repeatedly.

Sorry. That didn’t happen.

The movie also showed Secret Service agents kidnapping her and bringing her to President Kennedy so he could rape her. Then they forced her to have an abortion to get rid of his child.

That didn’t happen, either.

They weren’t content to mess up portraying her adult life.

They also show her mother trying to drown her when she was seven. They pretend her mother hated her because her pregnancy made her father leave. Sorry. Wrong again. That didn’t happen, either.

At some point, you have to ask yourself… wtf is this, fiction?

Yes. Actually, it is.

The Netflix biopic “Blonde” is based on fiction

The root of the whole mess of misinformation is a book that was published 22 years ago. A fictional novel by Joyce Carol Oates. The author…

