One Stubborn Woman Might Finally Have Proof Marilyn Was Murdered

Except it’s locked. Who locked the box? And why 2039?

Linda Caroll
History of Women


Marilyn Monroe // photo source

“Hollywood is a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul.”
— Marilyn Monroe

Kneeling on the floor of the storage room, she’s trying to wrap her head around what she’s seeing. It makes no sense.

Her name is Becky Altringer and she’s a private investigator. A reputable one, with testimonials from Randy Quaid, Linda Blair, Stan Lee and Stan Lee Media, Kaiser Permanente, and more.

When Academy Award nominated director Kirby Dick was making the documentary This Film Is Not Yet Rated, he hired her to investigate the MPAA film rating system.

She’s always believed Marilyn Monroe was murdered.

Now she might have found proof.

He was obsessed…

Marilyn Monroe in a gold dress // photo source

For years, Altringer has been digging around, hoping she’d stumble across something to prove Marilyn was murdered.

