Say Thanks! 72 Things You Didn’t Know Women Invented

Women proving lady brains aren’t inferior

Linda Caroll
History of Women


photo from pexels

Let me tell you something crazy. Ready?

Harvard University opened in 1636. 387 years ago. For the first 200 years, they wouldn’t let women attend. Which means they’ve had female students for less than half the time they’ve been open.

Know why?

Men thought lady brains were inferior. It’s a dumb thing people used to believe. Right up there with thinking the earth was flat.

Meanwhile, women were proving what some people still don’t believe. There is no difference between a male and female brain.

Here’s 72 things you didn’t know women invented…

Because women belong in the kitchen?

Men used to say a woman belonged in the kitchen. Well, these women didn’t like the way kitchens worked so they invented some cool stuff.

Florence Parpart invented the electric refridgerator // photo source

1. The electric refridgerator was invented in 1914 by Florence Parpart

2. The dishwasher was invented by Josephine Cochran in 1872.

