The “Dying” Woman Who Ran Away From Home And Saved Her Own Life

The true story of a woman who got sick of what life handed her, went on a 7000 mile journey and wrote a book about it.

Linda Caroll
History of Women


Annie Wilkins photo from Hoofprints Newsletter (source)

Mesannie Wilkins (Annie) was 63 when her doctor told her she had 2 years to live. She’d just recovered from pneumonia when they found a spot on her lung. The doctor wasn’t sure if it was cancer or tuberculosis, but either way the prognosis wasn’t good.

Couple of years if she took it easy, he said.

He knew Annie was dirt poor, so he offered to get her into a state funded retirement home. Annie didn’t like to be rude to anyone offering help, so she politely told the doctor she’d think about it.

Then Annie and the doctor got in his big fancy Packard and he drove her back to her farm to get her affairs in order. As she got out of his car, he gently told her she’d worked real hard. Maybe it’s time to rest.

Funny how fast everything can change…

When the doctor pulled away, the boys from the neighboring farm brought her little doggie back. Depeche Toi, a silly nickname the boys came up with and it stuck. French for “hurry up,” it suited the little brown and black bundle of energy

