They Gave Her A Lobotomy So Her Brother Could Be President

The tragic story of President John F. Kennedy’s little sister

Linda Caroll
History of Women


Laying on the table, she was lightly tranquilized, but awake and conscious. The doctor asked her to recite poetry and sing songs while he performed the procedure. She started with her favorite poem.

As she was reciting poetry, the doctor drilled two holes at the top of her head. Small holes, less than an inch. Through her skull. Then he inserted small metal spatulas that looked like miniature butter knives.

She finished reciting her favorite poem, smiled at the nurses and started singing “God Bless America” in a rich, clear voice.

As she sang, he moved the tiny knives up and down in a sawing motion. He was severing the link between her pre-frontal cortex and the rest of her brain.

When she stopped singing and became incoherent, he stopped.

He’d completely ruined her life.
And he wasn’t even a surgeon.

What’s wrong with Rosie?

Rosemary Kennedy was born in the middle of the Spanish Flu pandemic that was sweeping America in the fall of 1918. She was the third child and first daughter of Joseph P. Kennedy, Senior and his wife Rose.

