There Are Three Things We Really Need To Teach Kids About Feminism

According to a 2023 survey, most Americans don’t know what feminism is and the internet is making it worse, not better.

Linda Caroll
History of Women


Boy and girl walking together by Kevin Gent on Unsplash

Some days my patience is lacking. Shrunken several sizes too small, like the shrunken head in Beetle Juice or the Grinch’s heart, maybe.

Clicked on a story, one day, about some woman who doesn’t wear makeup. I don’t either. Mascara and lip gloss is it. Cherry has a rosy tint, mint tingles. Don’t know why I did. Curiosity, I guess. Anyway, I clicked.

She said it’s not because of feminism that she doesn’t use makeup. But it could be she said, and maybe it should be. I sighed, weary, hand already scrolling upward. Click shut the tab. Thanks but no thanks.

Couldn’t read anymore of that. Once it started out that way.

Young men today are sick to death of feminism.

Some days I’m sick of it too. At least what we call feminism.

The American Survey center says 57% of Gen Z men 16–29 don’t identify with feminism. Not down with it. Not interested. Done with it.



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